DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

RUMOR: Warner Bros. Eyeing GODLESS Actor Jack O’Connell For A Role In THE BATMAN

While we all not-so patiently wait on official word from Warner Bros. relating to Ben Affleck's status as The Dark Knight and which actor could potentially replace him in the cape 'n cowl, a new rumor points to British actor Jack O’Connell (Starred Up, Godless, The Cradle) possibly being in line to suit-up as The Batman.

According to That Hashtag Show, the studio has expressed interest in the 29-year-old for a role in Matt Reeves' film, though they're not certain it's actually for Bruce Wayne/Batman. Indeed, the site cautions that they haven't been able to substantiate the rumor - though O'Connell's name was also mentioned in connection with the project by ROTF recently.

Another rumor doing the rounds this week suggested that Ben Affleck is actually interested in reprising the role now that he's out of rehab and back in shape, so it's always possible that O'Connell is up for a completely different character. **** Grayson, perhaps?
some of these shots are so close and clean that you'd think this is a behind the scene doc

It's definitely free promo. As long as no major plots are given away, I appreciate it. It makes the wait for a trailer much easier for me.
Something about Joaquin that makes me feel like he’s trying too hard in this one. This is purely off of stills of course but this doesn’t feel organic. Even when pics of Ledger were coming out and Nicholson’s Joker was the barometer you could tell that something seemed intriguing about his look and portrayal. This is giving me the same feeling I saw with Leto as Joker. Less of a portrayal and more of a performance
James Gunn in Talks to Write ‘Suicide Squad 2’ for DC, Eyed to Direct

“Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn is in talks to write “Suicide Squad 2” for DC with an eye to direct the next installment, three insiders have exclusively told TheWrap.

Gunn will have a completely new take on the property, in which DC supervillains are recruited by the government to carry out secret missions too dirty for the likes of Superman and Batman.

you're taking the word "just" to the extreme

it' wasn't meant to minimize what he said but to point out that he "only" made jokes and not actually touch kids

there is a world of difference between the two so there needs to be a distinction between the two, you can't clump those who just talked about it to those who actually did it

but I am not really going to try and discuss that much here, it was already done so ad nauseam in the MCU thread, it's up to the individual how you want to view it and it's an issue that isn't really going to change others pov especially if one has a kid while the others doesn't, others has no tolerance for it while others do... it is what it is
dc not even trying pay extra $$$ to hire guards to keep some of these filming under wraps :lol:


Feel like there's a 'meme somewhere with the cat in the back falling. :lol:
As someone who thought James Gunn's GOTG movies were overrated, i'm willing to give him a chance with SS2. But i'm not OK with them ditching Gavin O'Conner and possibly going with Gunn.
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It’s a win win for WB at this point...They know people will turn out to watch either out of curiosity or because they felt slighted by Disney firing the guy...IF that movie ends up being a success then WB might give him the Snyder treatment...We all know how they like to hitch their wagon to a single director (Snyder / Nolan)...

Though the other James (Wan) might take the tip if Aquaman is a hit...He is doing the Swamp Thing stuff so who knows...

Anyway my larger point is if they do turn things over to James (Gunn) then would y’all be down for a full on DC Universe helmed by the guy?
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