DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Dude didn’t have a whole film for himself. He killed it in all his scenes for a movie where he was not the main character.

it can be argued that it is easier to stand out when you have less scenes, joaquin was on about 95% screentime and i felt like he was great in all of them

acting-wise, i give it to joaquin because he had to carry the whole film and i am pretty damn sure leto was hoping this is the joker gig he got

as a joker, heath wins because of writing and it is the joker we were more conditioned to know, it is the joker we kind of had in mind, it was already a developed character and nolan just made him extra great by being one step ahead of bats the whole film, joaquin had a whole different thing to work with, it being an origin and open to interpretation makes them a different type of jokers

i am sure if the roles were reversed, both would make their roles great, we'd only really be able to really say one is better than the other if joaquin does a sequel and how he plays the established version of joker and how it is written

nicholsons version can also be put in that conversation if you were more of a cheesy, more comic-book-y version type of fan
thats literally become the goto theory these days for most movies. And it’s lazy lol why would you even want all this **** to be made up

I wouldn’t want it to be, but hear me out...

What if everything was made up, up until the final scene, and then that’s when he breaks out of Arkham and becomes to the joker? Far fetched but possible.
movie was very good, the 8min standing O for the movie isn’t worth it but it is for Joaquin, this performance is amazing and I’d put it above heaths, where heat has the edge on being the joker is the characterization

Prisoner of the moment, imo.
Any links to watch it online..

how much chaos joker time we get? ive seen people say they wished they showed a little more chaos joker time.
Saw the 445 IMAX at Lincoln Square and freaking Joaquin Phoenix greeted the audience during the credits!

I'm salty. That's the showtime I originally was supposed to see but switched to 5:45PM because I got held up in traffic.

As for the film itself, I really enjoyed it. I don't think the film is a masterpiece or anything close to that but Joaquin's performance definitely deserves it's praise. I did find certain scenes tough to watch (those that seen it, knows which scene I'm referring to), even though I guess it was justified by the way Arthur was treated by said person. Joaquin's descension into complete madness was interesting to see as a character study but I do wish the film itself was little stronger.


I'm being vague to avoid spoilers for those that haven't seen it but there's some things I want to discuss openly
Yeah I can’t hang my hat on Joaquin as the best Joker simply because we didn’t see enough of him as Joker...

IF they manage to bring him back for another, I know it’s probably not going to happen, then I might could get behind him depending on THAT performance...Otherwise Heath still takes it...

But y’all know The Batman is apparently going to be set in the 90’s right...Timing would certainly fit...

Saw a theory that possibly the entire film was just made up in his head and he was in Arkham the whole time.

He was telling his side of the story(the film Joker) to the psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum.. And she was interrupting him by stating facts to Arthur (like he never dated the neighbor/he's adopted/Thomas Wayne isn't Arthur father/ The death of Thomas and Martha etc.. That set off Arthur and he eventually killed her and "escaped Arkham Asylum"
this part was just insane and probably the scariest part to me and i am still not sure if the mom and daughter are alive
the funny part is
we don't actually know. prolly alive? he let the little dude go right? or did he.
I thought him being on 7 meds (they ain't for his blood pressure), him imagining entire scenarios (with the girl next door, him up on stage at the comedy club, him on the Murray show), his momma clinically diagnosed, and him being an adopted, abused (by his mom or moms BF) were pretty good indications that he's crazy.
Losing his job that he loved, his mom (allegedly) lying to him about his whole childhood, work people betraying him, abandoned by society (social work), getting beat several times by randoms, off his meds, coming to a realization that he had no relationship with shorty next door all were enough to push him over the edge.

I guess for some
reason people still wanted more and people still wanted an even deeper dive? Not sure what or maybe the movie just wasn't their cup of tea. mixed reviews still
Can’t get spoiler tags to work on my phone so y’all just going to have to deal with it...


Another thing to keep in mind...We’re getting this story from the perspective of the Joker himself...Of course he’d play on us that the world wronged him and he was the savior of the downtrodden masses at the end...I like to think that as he was recounting the story to the psychiatrist she’d correct him and it would reflect in what we were seeing...

Arthur: My dad was Thomas Wayne
Psychiatrist: No Arthur he wasn’t your father, you imagined that...

Arthur: I had this amazing relationship with my neighbor
Psychiatrist: No Arthur you imagined that too...

As we were getting the story her corrections showed through...Finally got fed up with that nonsense and killed her...

Just another way to look at it I suppose...Multiple choice indeed...Well played Joker...Well played!
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Dude didn’t have a whole film for himself. He killed it in all his scenes for a movie where he was not the main character.
while I understand this sentiment, I would counter this by saying it was probably more effective and impactful BECAUSE
he was only in it for 33mins. Boba Fett effect.
the funny part is
we don't actually know. prolly alive? he let the little dude go right? or did he.

yah, he let him go and even unlocked the door chain for him :lol:

he said he was the only dude that was nice to him
yah, he let him go and even unlocked the door chain for him :lol:

he said he was the only dude that was nice to him
that scene was tense. the beauty of the film is
the scenes were small and the themes were small in scale as well, but they were all tense because you were with Arthur and you knew what he's going through. very effective
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