DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

And venom wasn’t good and I feel like it was miscast anyways

Tom Hardy's accent in that movie was BAD :lol:
Wasn't a fan of the new villains they decided to make either.
I set the bar pretty low for it going in and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be but that's not saying much :lol:
my boy Sal took a couple pics ...




Just got back from watching

I really enjoyed it I don’t look at it as a comic book movie or what we expect from them
It’s more of a deep dive into the origins of a character from one of that makes sense

The last scene with him and Dinero was intense to watch like you knew what was going to happened
But was still shocked of it all
I was wondering how it would look and to what extent where they going to go with that scene

Thomas Wayne Gabe off those Donald Trump vibes
You didn’t even feel bad for him at the end
Martha and Bruce were just in the mix of it all
Even though I felt that scene wasn’t necessary seeing as how we have different versions of it as is

I have no complaints about pacing because I didn’t go in expecting anything action packed
Watched it this morning. It was incredible.

Phoenix killed it in this role. I’m not even going to compare it to Heath’s performance because I don’t want to take away from either one of them. I think JP is playing Joker when he still had some semblance of sanity and Heath was playing him in full psychosis and they were both incredible.
Anyone else go in thinking there was going to be an explosion in the subway?

did they cut that out the movie. I remember it being part of the first look photos
I don’t remember seeing that...They did say they cut about 30 minutes off the movie though so maybe it was in there...

Speaking of the subway scene...


When he takes the guys mask, puts it on then points to another random guy when the guy he took it from turns around (Starting the whole subway riot)...That was about the most Joker type of thing they’ve ever put in the movies ?...
I just don’t know about this movie man. I feel like I’m in the Matrix. It’s like I’m supposed to like it but I don’t. And the reasons are obvious in my opinion. Where was the anarchy? Something needed to blow up. There should’ve been more chaos. I felt like everything Joker did was kind of in the moment. “Do I look like a guy with a plan?” YES. That’s what made the portrayal so special 11ish years ago. A journal with no plans in it lol. Jokes in it I’ll take though. Speaking of which, the laugh. It’s supposed to be during uncomfortable moments right? He seemed pretty uncomfortable after killing the yuppies on the train. The scene could have used some Joker laughter, right? When he kills Murray? Thought the movie would take it THERE and have him take aim at randoms in the audience as well, especially after the “mentally ill, society doesn’t care get what you deserve” line. Why so heavy handed (Heath Ledger voice) :lol: This movie is not bad. I won’t call it that. But OVERRATED......easily.
The movie makes sense when Joker is viewed as an abstract (which I think is one of the fan theories).

the movie was thoroughly entertaining and would recommend it.
pretty much agree lame. It would of been to just see him laugh when he kills DeNiro. I get it’s an ‘origin’ film but damn, damn near any other origins have the super hero in their persona by at least the middle act :lol:

i feel like they try to much with Arthur, It would of been dope to see him as just a regular guy and just have terrible luck and just finally break down to insanity.

Besides him laughing at awkward moments what made him so weird to be around from the perspective of his coworkers? If anything he was a really nice guy.

More spoilers

tried to hard to give him to many problems
•terrible luck
•his laughing condition
•he was nice guy overall but, guys didn’t want to be around him?
•delusional and making stuff up in his head
•his moms and bf had him tied up, beat and ish but they still let her have him after being adopted? :lol:

The movie was just good.

Bout to watch it for a third time.

Just leaving the theater thinking it could all be a dream made me appreciate it more and send me back to Nolans final scene with Bruce and Alfred.

AT THIS POINT, THEY SHOULD SCRUB SUICIDE SQUAD, BVS, JL FROM EXISTENCE. DC should focus on making origins and going off their animated movies.
As a dc fanboy I’m crying reading this and accepting it

but i don’t think they should scrub it, I think they can still continue it
ww, aquaman, Shazam, all fantastic
they can do kind of soft reboot of the justice league.
And continue with the dceu

man I just want them to finish a saga like marvel did
insert a crying gif
Why are people having a hard time comprehending that this is a one off film?
Do you really think anything in the DCU could be this good. Joker and TDK trilogy are the best movies involving DC characters and property and they are not part of the movieverse. Legit Nothing outside those 4 movies is even worth watching.
Cuz to casuals, all the superhero movies blur and blend together.

Then there are the hopeful DC stans/fans that just want DC to be great so they'll engage in wishful thinking
Read a quote from Joaquin that he and Todd Phillips have discussed a sequel. Nothing more than just discussions at this point, but if they are even discussing it then it may be possible that he may return for a sequel.
You’d have to imagine he’s not signing off on anything that isn’t a dope *** script again.
Different character but he did a great job. I feel like he got more power faster than Heath’s Joker, with way less moves.
Like I typed up before, I’m good if this is a one and done... But man what I wouldn’t to see Joaquin as a full realized Joker...

I was talking about the movie with a couple of coworkers today and the idea that this Joker would make a fantastic movie based off of -Joker’s Favor- turned up...Now I can’t un-think that...
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