DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

The way it seems is as though they are trying to play into the whole "power got to his head" type of deal...which is lame as *****

Movie looks VERY dark...reminds me ALOT of Sin City

Man of Steel looked dark in the trailers, it wasn't

Hopefully with Batman coming in it'll be a really dark film but I have my doubts
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DoFP: A plot that incorporated one of Marvel's most famous storylines and singlehandedley revived a dying franchise by simultaneously rounding off the story of the original trilogy, creating a compelling sequel to the prequels, including a broad spectrum of X-Men and affiliated mutants and giving them all adequate screetime, portraying every single character as human beings rather than having them prance about and making it obvious that they're famous celebrities portraying superhumans (AHEM AVENGERS), and setting up the franchise for further flourishment in the years to come. And Sentinels.
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Cap 2 is the most overrated jawn ever

I have it on my computer. You know what? I'ma watch it for like the 4th time right now
Looks like Synder is indeed taking some of the storyline from Frank Miller's a Dark Knight. The suit looks like the one in Miller's graphic novel, the Bat Armour too. In Miller's graphic novel, Superman wasn't being controlled by anything but was a pawn for a facist US president who ended all super hero action (using Supes as his chief enforcer).

I wonder if a missing arm Green Arrow will appear in the flick too.
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that batman looks terrible. and he sounds worse than ******* bale.

But to be fair, all bats has to do is find out supermans weakness is krytonite and make all of his weapons and bullets and **** outta that and that game. roll credits.

movie looks hella cheeks though. the premise sounds reall cool, but then the footage is warm booboo
1 Superman has many more weaknesses than Kryptonite

2 Kryptonite doesn't exist in Snyder's continuity

3 Batman WILL NOT flourish in this
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Red sun and Magic Right?


Batman will put Supes back in his place.
Red sun, magic, telepathy, certain sonic frequencies, and the hundreds of other, more powerful characters who could give Superman the hands easily


1 Batman doesn't have access to red son radiation

2 Batman doesn't do magic

3 Batman doesn't have psychic powers

4. Martian Manhunter, Zod, Imperiex, Darkseid, etc aren't around to fight Superman

Batman is the supporting actress in this flick
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