DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

People talking about what Margot and Charlize look like have never met a 40 year old woman.

How many of your moms aged like her?
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Charlize has always looked good to me. Don't see nothing wrong with her face. Would hold her prosthetic hand in public in Mad Max and rub her shaved head.

No one saying she ain't looking good, but you'd be lying to yourself if you say her age isn't starting to show.
Yea white girls don't age particularly well.. Add some sort of mix to that equation and it helps tremendously

You can see it in Cameron Diaz and Jennifer aniston.. But check Charlize from the astronaut's wife
I'm into milfs and cougars. Lots of fine, older white women where I live. Rarely see the not aging well white women you guys are describing, those are usually the ones over 40.
Yea I don't see these ancient looking mid 30 year old White women you guys are talking about :lol:. Seen more than a fair share of fine 40 year olds and even some older, guess it depends on genetics but I don't find they age that badly until they're actually old :lol:

My moms is 43 and looks 30 :pimp: black don't crack

Also what kind of girls are yall chilling with where Margot looks old :x

Co sign this,my Moms is slowly creeping up on 50 yet she still gets mistaken for my older sis pretty often when out :lol:
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Maybe you guys will disagree, but I think Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz aged well compared to Charlize and Amy Adams.

Obviously, all of them body wise are up to Hollywood par - I'm just talking about the face.
So, is Joker the villian in the film or is he part of the Squad? lol.

I wouldn't mind if he became the focus of the second half of the film. Sort of like how the og Predator movie was. You think they took care of the threat but they didn't know there was a bigger one out there.
What I heard before is that Joker isn't really a part of the team like everyone else is. Like he'll be giving tips behind bars on some Hannibal Lecter steeze. Obviously, take this with a grain of salt lol
Joker isn't going to be part of the team, don't think he ever was in the comics.

He is either part of the mission (they need to catch him?) or he become like a side quest or becomes the bigger part of the ending, like their main missions evolves to them dealing with the Joker (kind of like the animated film Assault on Arkham).

It makes sense that SS has to deal with the Joker if he is wreaking havoc since these events could possibly be happening at the same time as the events of BvS so Bats is busy. We might even see events that occur int he background that is happening in the BvS film, similar to Bruce seeing Zods heat vision destroying his building.
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The more I see that BvS trailer, the more I think that it's Doomsday that they're fighting. Those shots with Superman's eye beams and Batman getting away last minute are them attacking and fleeing Doomsday respectively. Let alone that Supes wouldn't use that kind of force against Bats, that beam was looking to KILL him. The same goes for who threw Wonder Woman into the wall. Even looking at the backgrounds they all appear to be in the same area

I know Snyder is the one who shot the film. But did they change the writer? Never liked Goyer.

All my problems with MOS had to do with the writing.


Oh damn, he's a part of the crew
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It was discussed earlier, it would be either Doomsday or Bizarro, don't think Doomsday has heat vision or a form of blast (at least I do not recall) but they could easily add that in if Lex is trying to clone Zod. If cloning is in the mix though then Bizarro seems the most logical choice, maybe just make him more bad*ss than stupid?
I think they'll make something out of zods body but it won't be a character. It'll be some generic monster for the film. If also guess it's th lex suit but since this lex is trash I really hope it's not
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If it's doomsday I hope this movie is 3-4 hours long to at least explain what doomsday is. Hope they don't go the SM3 route like they did with venom and just got "here he is" :x
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