DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Man, saturday can't get here fast enough. Nothing else matters this week. Odd thing is, my girl is more hyped to see this than I am. Which is unfathomable, cause I am a huge DC comic/EU/tv show fan. 

Tell me about it. My wife spend $50 on a Harley Quinn sweater from HT :x
Tell me about it. My wife spend $50 on a Harley Quinn sweater from HT
Mine too!!! She made me get her a harley shirt fron HT. I didn't mind tho. It's nice so see her into CBM's.
33% on RT atm


Suicide Squad is a decidedly different flavor than Batman v Superman. It goes for subversive, funny and stylish, and it succeeds wildly during the first act. But then the movie turns into something predictable and unexciting. It plods on, checking off boxes on a list of cliched moments and meaningless plot points, making you wonder where all the razzle-dazzle went. The movie feels thin, and with such little meat on the bone, it almost makes you appreciate how overstuffed Batman v Superman was (despite that being its downfall). Amanda Waller and Deadshot nail their roles, and Harley Quinn makes a fine cinematic debut, but there’s not much to be said about the rest of the ensemble cast -- and as disappointing as it is to say, that includes the Joker. Suicide Squad is more like writer-director David Ayer’s flat-footed Fury than his razor-sharp Training Day (which he wrote), making for another unsatisfying entry in the DCEU.


“Suicide Squad” never has the courage of its convictions — it doesn’t own anything. At best, Ayer rents some pre-existing pop iconography and charges us $15 to watch him take it around the block for a spin. Forget the “Worst. Heroes. Ever.” These guys don’t even know how to be bad.


After one of the crummiest summer movie seasons in recent memory, asking one film to redeem four months of tepid blockbusters might have been a suicide mission in and of itself. But Suicide Squad doesn’t even come close. From the first scene to the last, it’s an absolute mess, one whose harried pacing, jumbled narrative, and blaring soundtrack of radio hits suggests a desperate post-production attempt to reconfigure what Ayer got on set into something palatable and poppy. The movie opens with a shot of the logo for Belle Reve Prison, which serves as the Suicide Squad’s home base; the facility’s slogan is “’Til Death Do Us Part.” The direness of this movie, along with the staggering number of films yet to come in the DC cinematic universe, makes these words feel like the ultimate threat.

Chicago Tribune

The people on screen have their moments; my favorite bit comes when Deadshot, riffing, negotiates payment for services, asking that his overseers make sure to "white people" his daughter into an Ivy League school if her grades aren't up to snuff. Later, Deadshot refers to the tornado-like doomsday machine being assembled, endlessly, like the world's dullest GIF, by the evil Enchantress as "a swirling ring of trash." That's "Suicide Squad" in a nutshell, or an empty shell casing. It's projected to make $100 million to $150 million opening weekend. For bad-behavior superantiheroism that hangs together, at least, "Deadpool" is twice the movie.
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How come marvel movies aren't judge by the same standards ? I'm seeing predictable in some of the reviews as if marvels movie haven't been ? Like I see overly in depth critiques for dc movies like these
can someone explain to me how these dc movies got terrible rt scores but that abortion ghostbusters remake has 73% ?
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