DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Somebody did my mans Leto so dirty..... :{ this ***** was the damn centerpiece of all the promotional materials and half his scenes from the trailers ain't even in the damn movie!
And is it just me or does MOS not fit the tone of this movie ? Snyder has such a distinct style ..it's kinda hard to imagine the events of BvS and MOS fitting within SS
Okay...So Suicide Squad.

It is not unwatchable, it's not a disaster, there are good ideas, there are peices of a good stories but their are simply too many characters and too many plot ideas for it to meld in to a cohesive good movie. I was very excited and left incredibly disappointed.

The Good.

Viola Davis is perfect and by far the best part, she's menacing, but also strangely infantile in a authentically malignantly narcissist kind of way.

Harley Quinn is very good, Margot Robbie is very good.
Deadshot is played by Will Smith and it nearly impossible to dislike Will when he's on his game, Will is on his game, and he is good.

The Enchantress in the first 20 minutes is cool, the concept, the look, her character arcis really really promising
Captain Boomerang looks good, did a good job of translating a potentially rediculous idea to screen.

Jared Leto is a compelling screen prescience.

Katanna looks great, is a cool concept.

Rick Flagg I think is also a potentally interesting character.

THe sroty of this films are really good character Ideas that were failed by poor writing and direction.

Writing wise.


Not enough time to service all the characters, as a result everyone seems half baked, motivations seems obscure. The onyl one who has a satisfying character arc is Deadshot. If this movie was just Deadshot, Harley, Enchanctress, and Flagg, enchantress I think they could have a really compelling film. devote more time to Harley's origin, more time to Flagg and Junes relationship. more time to June and Enchantress confilct.

but instead we waste time on boomerang, joker, Croc, diablo ect.

and becuase of that we get a TON of TELLING and not SHOWING, tons of exposition delivered by RIck Flagg or Amada Waller?

Who is Katanna? well let me tell you who she is...blah blah blah
Rick Flagg and June are in love? How do I know this? becuase Amada Waller told me.

They simply had too many characters played by too important many actors to service them all.

2. No Stakes

the mission that they are sent on DOES NOT seem dangerous. There are no stakes, no one dies, no one comes really close to dying.

The movie SHOULD have been Saving Private Ryan type sent on a mission that completely falls apart but that never really happens because they have all these characters who I presume are signed to multi pictures deals....

the first mission they are sent on is also vauge, that vagueness makes it difficult to care, we are going to be sent somewhere to get someone. well okay. addss to the sense of no stakes.


A lot of groan inducing jokes, lines, that sound like they were written or improv'd last minute.

Harley Quinn says "*****" multiple times in some really really groan inducing ways.
BET joke was not funny.
The ancient witch enchantress says "you don't have the balls" foh


I like David Ayer, I like Fury, End of Watch but I'm not sure he's up for this, I was left really non plussed by his action scenes, really uncompelling.


It should be called the Walking Squad because they spend what seems like 80% of the 2nd and 3rd acts walking. :lol
Walking through subways, walking through streets, walking. It was like Lord of the rings without the drama.

The problem is the walking ends up being boring and repetitive becuase it feels like their are ZERO stakes, just some shooting that never seems dangerous. it doesn't even feel dangerous for the random marines.

So it begs the question why do we even need the suicide squad?


Everyone is shooting, and it's all very boring,not visually interesting at all, it gets monotonous, andf the other characters power sets aren't all that visually compel;ling either. I don't really remember a MOMENT for anyone other than Harley, Deadshot and Katanna.

I have some more nitpicky, comic book nerd criticsm Ill hit later.
I'm not about to echo anything anyone else has said so far, except that **** was wack.

Literally every funny part of the movie was seen in the trailers.

I don't care about any of the rumors behind this movie, I don't care how long you had to pen the script...the dialogue in this movie was probably some of the worst I've seen/heard. These guys are creatives and collaborate and are suppose to know how to develop these characters, and this **** felt like some **** I would have penned together.

I already knew I was in deep **** as soon as the movie started, when they had the intro for Willshot and Harley and then Waller then the logo. Like **** the rest of the members of SS. They get the smaller intro worth like 10 seconds.

Even the Batman scene grabbing Deadshot felt weird.

The only positive thing I can say about this movie, was the Flash. Yeah, all 2 seconds of that scene. And my popcorn helped me get through this movie.

For the the record, I enjoyed MoS and BvS. And I really liked the ultimate cut of BvS
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Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.
Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?
I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.
Just a convenient way to build sympathy for Willshot
Why the hell was Harley Quinn involved at all !!?!

What the hell is she going to do if another Kryptonian showed up :lol :lol :lol

The whole set up and Premise of them forming the team was ridiculous ..all of them Sans maybe Diablo would get washed if Zod and Faora showed up
Okay...So Suicide Squad.

It is not unwatchable, it's not a disaster, there are good ideas, there are peices of a good stories but their are simply too many characters and too many plot ideas for it to meld in to a cohesive good movie. I was very excited and left incredibly disappointed.

The Good.

Viola Davis is perfect and by far the best part, she's menacing, but also strangely infantile in a authentically malignantly narcissist kind of way.

Harley Quinn is very good, Margot Robbie is very good.
Deadshot is played by Will Smith and it nearly impossible to dislike Will when he's on his game, Will is on his game, and he is good.

The Enchantress in the first 20 minutes is cool, the concept, the look, her character arcis really really promising
Captain Boomerang looks good, did a good job of translating a potentially rediculous idea to screen.

Jared Leto is a compelling screen prescience.

Katanna looks great, is a cool concept.

Rick Flagg I think is also a potentally interesting character.

THe sroty of this films are really good character Ideas that were failed by poor writing and direction.

Writing wise.


Not enough time to service all the characters, as a result everyone seems half baked, motivations seems obscure. The onyl one who has a satisfying character arc is Deadshot. If this movie was just Deadshot, Harley, Enchanctress, and Flagg, enchantress I think they could have a really compelling film. devote more time to Harley's origin, more time to Flagg and Junes relationship. more time to June and Enchantress confilct.

but instead we waste time on boomerang, joker, Croc, diablo ect.

and becuase of that we get a TON of TELLING and not SHOWING, tons of exposition delivered by RIck Flagg or Amada Waller?

Who is Katanna? well let me tell you who she is...blah blah blah
Rick Flagg and June are in love? How do I know this? becuase Amada Waller told me.

They simply had too many characters played by too important many actors to service them all.

2. No Stakes

the mission that they are sent on DOES NOT seem dangerous. There are no stakes, no one dies, no one comes really close to dying.

The movie SHOULD have been Saving Private Ryan type sent on a mission that completely falls apart but that never really happens because they have all these characters who I presume are signed to multi pictures deals....

the first mission they are sent on is also vauge, that vagueness makes it difficult to care, we are going to be sent somewhere to get someone. well okay. addss to the sense of no stakes.


A lot of groan inducing jokes, lines, that sound like they were written or improv'd last minute.

Harley Quinn says "*****" multiple times in some really really groan inducing ways.
BET joke was not funny.
The ancient witch enchantress says "you don't have the balls" foh


I like David Ayer, I like Fury, End of Watch but I'm not sure he's up for this, I was left really non plussed by his action scenes, really uncompelling.


It should be called the Walking Squad because they spend what seems like 80% of the 2nd and 3rd acts walking. :lol
Walking through subways, walking through streets, walking. It was like Lord of the rings without the drama.

The problem is the walking ends up being boring and repetitive becuase it feels like their are ZERO stakes, just some shooting that never seems dangerous. it doesn't even feel dangerous for the random marines.

So it begs the question why do we even need the suicide squad?


Everyone is shooting, and it's all very boring,not visually interesting at all, it gets monotonous, andf the other characters power sets aren't all that visually compel;ling either. I don't really remember a MOMENT for anyone other than Harley, Deadshot and Katanna.

I have some more nitpicky, comic book nerd criticsm Ill hit later.
Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.

I remember they were saying we were going to get a Batman from the villains perspective. i didn't get that feelin at all between the scenes we got from Bats
Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.

I remember they were saying we were going to get a Batman from the villains perspective. i didn't get that feelin at all between the scenes we got from Bats

Yeah that was regular Bats in the movie. He's an *** to everyone.
Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.

I would've shot Batman's jaw off and kept it moving.
Why the hell was Harley Quinn involved at all !!?!

What the hell is she going to do if another Kryptonian showed up :lol :lol :lol

The whole set up and Premise of them forming the team was ridiculous ..all of them Sans maybe Diablo would get washed if Zod and Faora showed up

When Harley was fighting the enchantress with the bat.. :rollin
Why at the end of everything would bats make a deal to protect Waller?

Especially when he wanted to kill superman because of the POSSIBLITY he could go bad

Well I guess women are his weakness in this universe, considering he was giving info to WW without having a clue who the hell she was
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Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.

Not really. He found Deadshot when he was with his daughter and I don't see why you wouldn't want to take a dangerous guy like that down as quickly as possible. Plus, Deadshot is far less likely to actually cause major damage with his daughter present on the scene, even if he does fight, because he then has to worry about her.

However, Batman also IS an *** like 90-95 percent of the time :lol And that's how he's been since Jason Todd got beaten to death with that crowbar back in the day.
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Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.

Not really. He found Deadshot when he was with his daughter and I don't see why you wouldn't want to take a dangerous guy like that down as quickly as possible. Plus, Deadshot is far less likely to actually cause major damage with his daughter present on the scene, even if he does fight, because he then has to worry about her.

Man he's Batman. He fought Superman. He could take Deadshot easily.
Why at the end of everything would bats make a deal with Waller?

Especially when he wanted to kill superman because of the POSSIBLITY he could go bad

Well I guess women are his weakness in this universe, considering he was giving info to WW without having a clue who the hell she was

View media item 2124975
You damn well why he gave her whatever she wanted

You got a gif for Waller?

SS members lives were on the line when they were saving that bish.. What's on the line for bats? And/or stopping from doing the same thing again?
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Anyone else think "Batman is a ****" ?

I mean naturally he is but how you gonna show up to capture Deadshot in front of his daughter and say "I don't wanna do it in front of her." Just wait til he dropped her off.

I took no points off for that. I just was like... Damn what an *******.

Not really. He found Deadshot when he was with his daughter and I don't see why you wouldn't want to take a dangerous guy like that down as quickly as possible. Plus, Deadshot is far less likely to actually cause major damage with his daughter present on the scene, even if he does fight, because he then has to worry about her.

Man he's Batman. He fought Superman. He could take Deadshot easily.

Exactly. He's Batman. Therefore, he's not going to take random risks when he doesn't need to. He won against Superman because he used every advantage he had and planned for the confrontation. He then did the same thing when targetting Deadshot.
Did you actually think I was answering your question seriously?

Nah.. But it ain't even good enough to make fun of..

Like I legit was just going say you got one for Waller and leave it.. But shh is just frustrating with the extent they go to make make shhh way dumber than it needs to be
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It's going be sad when we look back on the actors and/or directors that are getting wasted on some of these projects

If you could pick any actress in holiday to play Waller, viola Davis is it.. That shhh just going down the drain

Like xmen apocalypse had fassbender, Oscar Isaac and mcavoy just being wasted
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