DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

IMO they're probably going away from the classical costume to prevent comparisons to the muscular physique of WW in the comics.
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:lol: That mockup reminds me of some period when they changed WW's costume and gave her pants and a jean jacket. Lots of pervy WW fans were in an uproar.

I'm torn on the possible WW costume. One part feels that you really can't give her the "traditional" costume because she'd just be eye candy, standing around barely clothed, while Bats and Supes are completely covered. The other part feels that the suit is iconic and should really stay the same (I loathe the new 52 costume). I guess in the end the best compromise is a Xena/Sif like armor.

But really, if there's one thing you can give Snyder major kudos on, is his visual style, costume design included.
I wouldn't know for sure only seeing a few images from the comic and never reading it but isn't the New52 WW costume similar to the iconic OG one? I thought it was just a variation of it, same style overall but slightly different design.
The pants were added I think a year before new 52 began and was already getting phased out by the time it started. I think she was wearing pants in JLA for a little bit, but she was back to normal for all of Azarellos run(the only story that matters :pimp:).
You might be right, I thought it was just WonderGirl with the pants but I don't remember.

Umberto Gonzalez @elmayimbe

HOT #SDCC2014 RUMOR! The DC/Warners panel will show a hot clip from BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. FIND SPOT @ HALL H line NOW! RT
When is this hot garbage releasing? And is there any photo's/footage of bum *** Affleck as Batman?

What does my hitta Christian Nolan think about a washed Ben A. trying to do his own thing with the series?
I don't like that mock-up on the last page. Why does she have on Madonna's metallic cone bra with a leather jacket? I actually like Wonder Woman's uniform in Justice League War. It looks like something that's more practical to fight in than an outfit from a burlesque show.

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Most of the times in action movies when they have women fighting, they're dressed down and look ridiculous fighting dudes 5 times their size. I've never been a big WW fan or too attached to the character design to care if she has on pants or not, but I can't take someone seriously who fights in panties and high heels. My vote would go to a mixture of the JLW outfit with pants and Gal Gadot packing on a little muscle.
Rumor is she'll have a more classic look and the jacket rumor was false.

You can watch the "scoop" here but after the WW description, there are some supposed spoilers so view with caution.

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Yeah, I was mistaken about the new 52 reference. I believe Jim Lee decided to go with the jacket and pants, but I think that was before the new 52. Then the classic look may have been reintroduced a year or two after that.

Either way, I think the classic look will work. In the Watchmen, Snyder made SS look decent with the other heroes, and she was literally in latex. I'm just hoping Gadot will perform better than Ackerman.
I hated her costume in the new JL animation movies. Looks like something a mortal kombat character would wear.
stop posting crap from Latino Review. The dude that runs that site is a hack and is wrong 99% of the time. He posts things just to get clicks on his site

WW will have a blue leather skirt, silver-armored cuffs that reach to her elbows, golden tiara  and a variation of the traditional-looking red top

She'll have 4 weapons: shield sword, spear, and lasso

She'll be introduced as Diana. She will have a fair amount of screen time and will team up with Batman and Superman for the final battle. Her origin will be intentionally vague, but she is brought into the fold to show that there are other superheroes in the universe other than Superman.

Batman / Superman will butt heads on how things should be done

Lex think's he's a God and hates Superman
stop posting crap from Latino Review. The dude that runs that site is a hack and is wrong 99% of the time. He posts things just to get clicks on his site
LR has been right PLENTY of times. People like you just pay attention to what they get wrong.
Yeah, I was mistaken about the new 52 reference. I believe Jim Lee decided to go with the jacket and pants, but I think that was before the new 52. Then the classic look may have been reintroduced a year or two after that.

Either way, I think the classic look will work. In the Watchmen, Snyder made SS look decent with the other heroes, and she was literally in latex. I'm just hoping Gadot will perform better than Ackerman.

Silk Spectre didn't look like she was about to pop a titty at any given moment during a fight though.

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