DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

:lol: @ produce a source. That's not how this works.

Besides the source is labeled in the rumor.

Produce a source = "Reveal yourself and your SSN so we can officially blackmail you from the industry"

Word :lol:

Sound like she was not ready to be under suspicion/attack so early. Which even I have to admit is ****** up give summer ain't even over.
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lesbian nest even if WW was great it would still get bashed

Relax with your conspiracy theories. I think it'll be good. If it's garbage then it might be like ghostbusters where people will say it's good to avoid social media hate.
Relax with your conspiracy theories. I think it'll be good. If it's garbage then it might be like ghostbusters where people will say it's good to avoid social media hate.

Says relax with conspiracy theory, follows it up by posting one

That's not a conspiracy theory though. Critics were getting hated on for their reviews for ghostbusters. Not surpised if people said it was good to avoid the bs femininst hate.
That's not a conspiracy theory though. Critics were getting hated on for their reviews for ghostbusters. Not surpised if people said it was good to avoid the bs femininst hate.

That last part of your statement is exactly what a Conspiracy theory is :lol:.
That's not a conspiracy theory.

Nobody conspired to say GB is good when it's not for some alternative motive. He's saying ppl lied about their opinion in order to avoid hate and ridcule. That's just being human.
The more I hear from Patty Jenkins the more I like her helming Wonder Woman. You can tell this is a passion project for her. That letter from this unknown employee has already been debunked. The time lines don't match up with what was written
Source of debunked?

Regardless, you can only take so much truth from a disgruntled former employee...you never know how much truth would really come out of that...

Not sure how much truth would be known about WW being garbage already when they just started post production 
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This was before Patty Jenkins squashed it.

Apparently WW has barely begun post and the director Patty Jenkins is currently editing it right now. There hasn't been any opportunity to hack the film or meddle yet. It's almost a year out. There's a guy who works for Forbes who's been a reputable source in the industry saying it sounds dodgy.

People are poking holes in the letter. WB had a different CEO around the time MOS was being developed and this disgruntled employee was laid off in 2014. How would she know what WW's like? It was barely in pre-production and BVS was just filming at the time.

We can interpret it any way want I guess. Either way, it's definitely putting the stink on WW before it's even made. At least BVS and SS were pressed up and ready to go before we got anything like this. :lol:
Jenkins can say whatever she wants prior to WW's release.

At the end of the day, the most important goal is to make WW a good film. Let's hope there's no continuing trend of "if you speak negatively of a woman-centric film, you're a sexist/misogynist/[insert ad hominem attack]"
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Jenkins can say whatever she wants prior to WW's release.

At the end of the day, the most important goal is to make WW a good film. Let's hope there's no continuing trend of "if you speak negatively of a woman-centric film, you're a sexist/misogynist/[insert ad hominem attack]"
so far i have seen none of that. I think both men and women are on board for this movie. Unlike ghostbusters, this is the first incarnation of WW in a movie. So this is uncharted territory
Jenkins can say whatever she wants prior to WW's release.

At the end of the day, the most important goal is to make WW a good film. Let's hope there's no continuing trend of "if you speak negatively of a woman-centric film, you're a sexist/misogynist/[insert ad hominem attack]"
so far i have seen none of that. I think both men and women are on board for this movie. Unlike ghostbusters, this is the first incarnation of WW in a movie. So this is uncharted territory
Even more reason why it's important to get it right.

The pressure is on for Jenkins and Wan.
Just follow George Perez' Wonder Woman run and the film will do fine. Hell, they could even follow the animated film from a few years back, which was pretty good.
I saw that post. Something to consider but the rumor is already out there. I mean of course the director would say it aint true. She has to.

Besides if it's fake are we saying the former employee is lying cuz they got fired/left under bad circumstances or the entire thing is fake and there's no former employee at all? :lol: Makes me wonder exactly what exactly has that dept of the studio done to garner this sort of vitroil :nerd:

More to do with this conspiracy to sabotage DC/WB movies and Marvel paying ppl to do it? :lol:

Just follow George Perez' Wonder Woman run and the film will do fine. Hell, they could even follow the animated film from a few years back, which was pretty good.
This is said so much about so many movies but never done :lol: :smh:
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No one said anyone's paying her. The timeline doesn't add up and the movie isn't even close to being finished. It just sounds like someone is using an opportunity to paint their former employer in a negative light.

You can believe the letter if you want to, but it's janky as ****. No one's "sabotaging" DC, but people who hate DC are using this weak letter as more "proof" to support their hostility to the DCEU. The movie is still a ways away.
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Suicide Squad just broke the August box office record though. It had a better opening than the previous record holder, GOTG. Even after opening weekend it was still strong. It had sustained with a better Tuesday than BVS and Civil War. Even with how polarizing the movie has become, it's done well despite all else.

If that's sabotaging themselves, then not sabotaging themselves must be some astronomical type s***.
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