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DC Entertainment to Offer All-Day YouTube Live Stream

The Sept. 2 event celebrates the millionth subscriber to DCE's 'DC All Access' YouTube channel.
DC Entertainment is hoping that fans didn't have anything too important planned for Sept. 2 — because it's planning to fill the day with an eight-hour live stream featuring interviews with comic book creators and more.

The live stream was announced as the one millionth subscriber signed up for the company's DC All Access YouTube channel, which features daily updates on DC comic books, TV shows, animated projects and video games. Each video on the channel receives an average of half a million views, according to the company.

In a statement, Paul Malmont, DCE's director of digital marketing content, said that it was "exciting to see what we've accomplished in just three years," adding, "Now, more than ever, we're committed to bringing unique, entertaining stories about all things DC to our fans. The first-ever DC All Access all-day live stream event is a thank you to our fans for their support."

DC All Access originally debuted as a stand-alone short-run webseries in October 2013, before returning in February 2014 as an ongoing strand of programming. In February of this year, DC launched the All Access mobile app as a hub for DC-centric programming, including movie trailers, comic book previews and more.

The daylong All Access live stream will be hosted by the regular DC All Access team of Tiffany Smith and Jason Inman, and will launch at 9 a.m. PT on Sept. 2.
-I think it would be cool to have The Red Hood for Suicide squad 2. I think his story line is good but I don't want it to take up space in a proper Batman solo film. You have TRH given out vigilante justice around Gotham. S Squad is tasked with finding and taking him out. With that, you actually have a reason to reintroduce Harley and maybe Joker because of his grudge. Also it lets them deal with non supernatural threats. Maybe have Bats on the periphery following the situation

-For Flash, you clearly have to go with Zoom/ reverse flash. Not only will it look visually cool, but there's no telling when a flash sequel would even be. So better to shoot your load asap. Have Cyborg get killed by zoom or whatever

Green lantern corps should make a cameo in JL 2, and their solo movie should be a proper space epic involving the different color lanterns. Don't rehash Sinestro. Have the red lanterns be a threat.

-MOS2: Braniac obviously. With Lex somehow playing a role.

- JL 1 could deal with mother boxes and the impending invasion. JL2 is darkseid. Also I want batman to be seemingly killed by Darkseid so batman 2 can be battle for the cowl

Solo Batman: I guess Joker but there needs to be more. Maybe court of owls. Idk
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I think it would be cool to have The Red Hood for Suicide squad 2. I think his story line is good but I don't want it to take up space in a proper Batman solo film. You hae TRH given out vigilante justice around Gotham. With that, you actually have a reason to reintroduce Harley and maybe Joker. Maybe have Bats on the periphery following the situation

I dunno man Red hood is considered one the most important batman storylines of the last ten years If not more :lol:
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I think it would be cool to have The Red Hood for Suicide squad 2. I think his story line is good but I don't want it to take up space in a proper Batman solo film. You hae TRH given out vigilante justice around Gotham. With that, you actually have a reason to reintroduce Harley and maybe Joker. Maybe have Bats on the periphery following the situation

I dunno man Red hood is considered one the most important batman storylines of the last ten years If not more :lol:
True but do you want to waste a batman movie on it since we all know who he actually is. That's just my only concern.
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Gotta be a batman film.. You gotta focus on what is happening between those 2

Sure, you have a bunch of the villains.. But obviously can't have anyone really really expendable.. Joker and batman are musts in that film, cause the film boils down to them
DC Entertainment to Offer All-Day YouTube Live Stream

The Sept. 2 event celebrates the millionth subscriber to DCE's 'DC All Access' YouTube channel.
DC Entertainment is hoping that fans didn't have anything too important planned for Sept. 2 — because it's planning to fill the day with an eight-hour live stream featuring interviews with comic book creators and more.

The live stream was announced as the one millionth subscriber signed up for the company's DC All Access YouTube channel, which features daily updates on DC comic books, TV shows, animated projects and video games. Each video on the channel receives an average of half a million views, according to the company.

In a statement, Paul Malmont, DCE's director of digital marketing content, said that it was "exciting to see what we've accomplished in just three years," adding, "Now, more than ever, we're committed to bringing unique, entertaining stories about all things DC to our fans. The first-ever DC All Access all-day live stream event is a thank you to our fans for their support."

DC All Access originally debuted as a stand-alone short-run webseries in October 2013, before returning in February 2014 as an ongoing strand of programming. In February of this year, DC launched the All Access mobile app as a hub for DC-centric programming, including movie trailers, comic book previews and more.

The daylong All Access live stream will be hosted by the regular DC All Access team of Tiffany Smith and Jason Inman, and will launch at 9 a.m. PT on Sept. 2.
Tiffany Smith is a guilty pleasure of mine 
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Red Hood without Batman is kind of a weak character. The most interesting aspect of him is the contrast between him and Batman and when Joker killed him. He's getting kind of over-saturated in the comics lately and they're mostly not good.

Without Batman, what makes Red Hood more compelling than guys like The Punisher or Deathstroke? Batman has so many good stories and villains to pluck from. I like the thought of the Batfleck movie going into the rogues gallery and using multiple villains. You have the comic book superhero, but also the crime underworld with the villains fighting or working together. Some will barely get any screen time and there's going to be one major villain, but if they do it right, it could be like The Wire in a CBM. Riddler could be like String, Penguin like Prop Joe, Black Mask like Sen. Davis, and Joker like Marlo. Let these guys war it out and team-up to attempt to take out Batman when necessary. Throw in some smaller villains to get free trips to Arkham Asylum courtesy of Batfleck and just make sure the story is good and the main villain shines.
Red Hood without Batman is kind of a weak character. The most interesting aspect of him is the contrast between him and Batman and when Joker killed him. He's getting kind of over-saturated in the comics lately and they're mostly not good.

Without Batman, what makes Red Hood more compelling than guys like The Punisher or Deathstroke? Batman has so many good stories and villains to pluck from. I like the thought of the Batfleck movie going into the rogues gallery and using multiple villains. You have the comic book superhero, but also the crime underworld with the villains fighting or working together. Some will barely get any screen time and there's going to be one major villain, but if they do it right, it could be like The Wire in a CBM. Riddler could be like String, Penguin like Prop Joe, Black Mask like Sen. Davis, and Joker like Marlo. Let these guys war it out and team-up to attempt to take out Batman when necessary. Throw in some smaller villains to get free trips to Arkham Asylum courtesy of Batfleck and just make sure the story is good and the main villain shines.

So far I'm liking the new Red Hood comic from the Rebirth line.

That Batman as the Wire is interesting. Like Good Interesting.
I tried Red Hood/Arsenal and Red Hood and the Outlaws during New 52. I didn't even consider the Rebirth title after. I saw the cover with Bizarro on it, which didn't make sense to me as a Red Hood partner, because he's still technically a "good" guy, but I guess he teamed up with Joker's daughter in the New 52. :x :x
Those are two of the weaker animated flicks. I can just imagine the critics having a field day if there was live action ninja nuns with assault rifles or that DDR scene in JLVTT. Your ideas for setting up villains is exactly how I feel. You can leave bread crumbs for the next villain in each movie and keep the machine perpetually in motion.

The animated films benefit from a lot of things too. There's less restriction on what you can accomplish compared to live action. They usually have more characters and get away with being as weird or convoluted as the comics can be. People complain about the DCEU trying to juggle too many things, but they don't have half the moving parts that the animated films do. If you throw in the entire Bat family or the Legion of Doom without any set-up to the casual movie going audience, they're going to question who most of these people are. If they establish a LOD member in the solos, then an eventual LOD JL film could be a great payoff.

True enough. I was just using the films as examples where they dropped an appearance here and there to easily set up/introduce a new character for a later storyline.

I actually think that DC's animated division has managed to properly establish the Bat Family twice now. Back in the 90s with Batman the Animated Series it was originally only Batman and Alfred. Then **** Grayson started appearing as Robin, already in his late teens/early 20s with no explanation. But you didn't need much of one, because the average person understands the concept of who Robin is. They then did give us a two-part origin episode later on. Barbara Gordon was introduced as the daughter of Jim Gordon and appeared in a few episodes before she ever donned the Batgirl identity and even after she did so the first time she didn't immediately start operating as Batgirl full-time. There was then a timeskip of a few years between season 3 and 4, after which Tim Drake was introduced as the second Robin. Around the same time **** Grayson came back and was reintroduced as Nightwing. Basiclaly, if you watched the show there wouldn't be any question as to who everyone was. It's 4 characters, but they're all properly introduced so that by the time all are present you're aware of what's going on. And that's how you build a universe properly.

So I agree that the animated films and shows are more complex in a way, but they also do take the time to build things up beforehand. Justice League War introduced the League and had Superman and Wonder Woman flirting. Afterwards, you've seen that flirting continue into a full blown relationship. It's not out of nowhere because every film had some kind of touching or important scene with just the two of them. Same goes with the hints about the Teen Titans in the Batman film, and you then had the most recent Justice League film featuring that team as major characters. The main difference, I think, is that the animated films don't bother with the origin stories for the most part. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash all started out as heroes, with Cyborg and Shazam gaining their powers in the first film. The second film then introduced Aquaman. So there's some assumption already that viewers will be familiar with at least some of the heroes and you know for Superman and Batman i'd say that's a safe bet.

A small tidbit here for a larger payoff down the line is definitely the way to go though.

I like Jays25 idea better than the post-credit clips. Have a tiny subplot unraveling Brainiac in the movies that pays off down the line. It would prep the audience better than just seeing Brainiac looking at Earth for 3 seconds.

I like the post credit scenes for hype purposes. Like seeing Thor's hammer after the credits of Iron Man 2. I remember leaving the theater so hype after that. :pimp: They could use the post-credit JL clip to name drop Billy Batson as he enters the principals office or show Booster Gold's gear on display in the Metropolis Space Museum before he steals it.

Yea you obviously drop hints like that.. And it wouldn't even take much.. Just little things that those who have any sort of familiarity with the characters will pick up on

MOS they had some of it referencing lex Corp and Wayne enterprises.. But subtle completely went out the window with BvS.. Like was said could build to bizzaro.. Or have lex and government folks discover things from the stuff they had, the ships, wreckage and Zod's body

Like with Billy batson.. Could have something simple like Wayne giving a donation to the school and dropping off the check.. Or Clark following up a lead.. Then have an announcement over the PA "Billy batson, please report to the principals office"

Exactly. All it's really about is letting viewers/fans know that X-Character or concept exists and you then make sure to develop it further over time. For example, BvS gave us the Robin costume and Suicide Squad confirmed that Harley was involved in Robin's death. So you know Batman's had a partner before, that's a fact. If you then decided not to make Red Hood/Jason Todd the villain in the solo Batman film you could continue hinting at the character. Maybe have Batman fight Scarecrow and while dosed with some fear gas he see's an older Jason staring at him from a rooftop or something, but the audience is then not sure as to whether or not Jason was actually there or just an illusion. Maybe give a newspaper clipping towards the end about a new "Red hooded criminal" running around town. Hell, have Bruce go to Jason's grave to mourn him, but give us a shadowy figure watching him from a distance. That way, if you do decide to do Red Hood in Batman 2 it means more when he finally shows up and unmasks and all those little tidbits you've laid out become that much more important and fans/viewers feel rewarded for tagging along all this time.

With Superman and Batman having as many villains as they do I really think the writers could easily be hinting at at least 2 other villains per film, without interrupting the story too much. It's just about finding the proper way to tie it all together. As I said with Superman earlier, they had the perfect chance to hint at both Metallo and Bizarro already, just by introducing Kryptonite and by having Superman die. They wouldn't have had to change the core story whatsoever to do that. In Suicide Squad you have Joker as this big boss who apparently owns his own club right? Ok, instead of just having Common go and visit him to give him props, why not have some other crime bosses like Penguin and Black Mask do the same? Or even drop a line like "Black Mask sends his regards". That way you wouldn't even need to worry about paying an actor money to play the role, just give one character an extra line.
-I think it would be cool to have The Red Hood for Suicide squad 2. I think his story line is good but I don't want it to take up space in a proper Batman solo film. You have TRH given out vigilante justice around Gotham. S Squad is tasked with finding and taking him out. With that, you actually have a reason to reintroduce Harley and maybe Joker because of his grudge. Also it lets them deal with non supernatural threats. Maybe have Bats on the periphery following the situation

-For Flash, you clearly have to go with Zoom/ reverse flash. Not only will it look visually cool, but there's no telling when a flash sequel would even be. So better to shoot your load asap. Have Cyborg get killed by zoom or whatever

Green lantern corps should make a cameo in JL 2, and their solo movie should be a proper space epic involving the different color lanterns. Don't rehash Sinestro. Have the red lanterns be a threat.

-MOS2: Braniac obviously. With Lex somehow playing a role.

- JL 1 could deal with mother boxes and the impending invasion. JL2 is darkseid. Also I want batman to be seemingly killed by Darkseid so batman 2 can be battle for the cowl

Solo Batman: I guess Joker but there needs to be more. Maybe court of owls. Idk

I think that Red Hood, if he ever appears, deserves to be in a main Batman film though.

I get what you're saying about The Flash, but Gorilla Grodd isn't a bad villain in my opinion and I think that a film budget can definitely do more justice to him than the CW can. But I guess that just because you use Zoom once doesn't mean you can't ever use him again. Look at Loki, villain of Thor, Avengers, and now about to appear again in Ragnarok. Plus he played his own part in Dark World.

With the New Gods getting involved on Earth the Green Lanterns taking an interest could definitely happen, since it is their job to protect the universe and keep order. And with that comment from Lex about the bell being rung and **** you could have various aliens start taking more notice of Earth.

I don't know about Batman 2 being Battle for the Cowl though. That's really a fight for succession that works because, in the comics, you have Nightwing (Grayson), Red Hood (Todd), and Robin (Drake). So far we've just got a dead Jason Todd. They'd need to put some real work into establishing a Bat Family in the next few films and I don't know if they're really interested in doing that for the DCEU. Heck, I don't know that the other heroes are even going to get their own sidekicks like Supergirl, Superboy, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, etc.
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Gold? Nah he was in the deleted scene and ultimate edition in the scene where lex is learning about mother box. He's in like grey like how the krypton ships would project things.

Ah, ok. Only saw a pic of him that was hard to see in an article. Found a clearer pic.

I'll see any movie with Big Barda in it. Let's get some fancast going...

Is she supposed to be kinda tall? I would nominate Alison Tyler but have only seen her work in tumblr pron gifs.

marvel isn't using Palicki right now. She'd be a good Barda.
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That's why I think you introduce Red Hood in Suicide squad 2, Robin/Nightwing in the first solo batman movie, with maybe a nod to Barbara Gordon, and then in the second batman movie have BFTC
Doug Liman (edge of tomorrow) is directing JL dark with Del Toro writing the script.
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