Deadspin: Richard Sherman And The Plight Of The Conquering Negro

I hope the Seahawks win the Superbowl on another Richard Sherman defensive play, then Erin Andrews interviews him again and he gives totally calmed down interview. Using words that the average person would not even know the meaning of etc. Styling on all the people who even made this an issue. It would be classic and timeless when he is done and just walks away.
had no idea that iguodala was such a clown

He always struck me as a bit of a "cornball brotha" if we being real. As a black man I just don't understand how you could believe Sherman, a highly educated elite athlete from an impoverished area can set us back by being passionate in a post game interview. Not only is that some real house negro **** but its also just stupid.

Still really like him as a basketball player but he sounding real Republican right now
Man, if anything that 10 second interview made me more of a fan of Sherman. I love to see that competitive fire and passion in athletes; it's way better than the boring, repetitive pre-canned crap that they are trained to feed us. I mean those two teams (especially Sherm v. harbaugh & crabtree) legitimately hate each other, the dude just made the game saving play, and who knows all the trash that was being talked between the two just before that. So was it really that unexpected that he is going to be emotional in the interview right after the play?

The logical part of me can't believe that such a minor thing has had such a huge effect. Like others have said, people get more worked up winning a game on Madden.

Man the media is doing Sherman dirty. He had every right to go off how he did, biggest play of his career, after being smushed in the face by an opposing player who he was trying to show good sportsmanship to. Its not like he attacked Crabtree personally. He kept it all football. Its sad that one 10 second interview can serve to judge ones character by so many people. 
I heard him on an interview today saying he was mic'd up and he was actually telling Crabtree "good game...".
He set no one back

I'm see nothing wrong with what he said or how he said it. He just made a play to send his team to the Superbowl, find me a person who wouldn't be emotional after that

Same **** I was saying at work yesterday. I want to give infinite reps for that post. To add to that, bringing up class in a sport that mostly consists of running into people with your head is being very selective. I don't see a lot of white players getting the same scrutiny as black players and it pisses me off.
I think this whole thing is overhyped, but I still think his interview shows poor sportsmanship, because he specifically called out Crabtree. He obviously won that play, no need to further berate your opponent. Reminds me of 13 year old kids on XBox Live talking after winning in a video game.
Anyone who knows the history between these two teams isn't surprised by this. The only problem I have with what Sherman said is that he called himself the best corner in the game, lol. He may be right but I mean c'mon, he stopped a pass form Kaepernick to Crabtree, is that really that impressive for the best DB in the league? Neither one of those two players is considered elite. The only thing that matters is whether Sherman will be able to shut down the Manning to Thomas connection.
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I think this whole thing is overhyped, but I still think his interview shows poor sportsmanship, because he specifically called out Crabtree. He obviously won that play, no need to further berate your opponent. Reminds me of 13 year old kids on XBox Live talking after winning in a video game.

You ever play football or experience an adrenaline rush anywhere close to what Richard Sherman experienced? If not, I don't think you or anyone else is in the position to say how he should have reacted. Dude was hyped! What's wrong with that?

**** talking goes with the game. I'd like to see more of it honestly. That moment was like the classic WWF mixed with the NFL for a moment.
I just don't like him, because he's the obnoxious guy you never want to play a pick up game with. Stays barking throughtout the game, taunting you and then rubs it in your face when he wins. Just bad sportsmanship. There's a reason why the NBA gives technical fouls for taunting. It's just outright mean.

They also give tech's for breathing, and intense looks.
I just don't like him, because he's the obnoxious guy you never want to play a pick up game with. Stays barking throughtout the game, taunting you and then rubs it in your face when he wins. Just bad sportsmanship. There's a reason why the NBA gives technical fouls for taunting. It's just outright mean.
They also give tech's for breathing, and intense looks.
Except taunting is proscribed conduct by the NBA code of rules. Why referees call technicals for something as stupid as breathing is beyond me and is just stupid.  
Sherm is that dude. But what he did on field to Crab right after that play, slap his ***, hand out etc. was bush IMO.

Nothing wrong with the interview though. Ya little brash/unexpected but **** dude just made a play to go to the SB, he was hype to the max, any athlete knows that feeling and can relate. Hell, Erin Andrews asked what happened on that play and he broke it down, albeit bluntly, pretty accurately :lol:

Hope Broncos wash the Hawks in the SB though.
Anyone who knows the history between these two teams isn't surprised by this. The only problem I have with what Sherman said is that he called himself the best corner in the game, lol. He may be right but I mean c'mon, he stopped a pass form Kaepernick to Crabtree, is that really that impressive for the best DB in the league? Neither one of those two players is considered elite. The only thing that matters is whether Sherman will be able to shut down the Manning to Thomas connection.



Just stop talking. *Flyod Mayweather voice* "You dont know **** about Boxing Football."

So much fail in such a short message.
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Not sure if Crab was considered Elite this yr considering coming off the Achilles injury. When he's healthy he's def up there but cant say he was this year.
Not sure if Crab was considered Elite this yr considering coming off the Achilles injury. When he's healthy he's def up there but cant say he was this year.

Crabtree isnt elite to anyone but Niketalker23 :lol: If you dont consider Richard Sherman to be an eilte corner than you just shouldnt talk football.
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Ok, so we all know snitching is supposed to be bad. But what do you guys think about calling someone out behind their back? 
man you guy's gotta stop pulling the race card. I hate Sherman. Simple as that. Hate him as much as I hate the seahawks and the cowgirls. It's not because he's black. Hell, I'd hate him if he were mexican or white or whatever other race you want to throw out.

I hate the fact that he's so cocky. Yea he's good. Yes he did have an awesome first two seasons, but it's his first TWO seasons. Dude is a sophomore and has to earn his stripes before he's able to claim anything. I hope he stays cocky and it goes to his head and forces this to be his last good season.

Can you guys really rank this clown up there with Champ Bailey? Darelle Revis? Charles Woodson? Deion Sanders? what about Rod Woodson?

My heroes weren't this cocky. You never seen Joe Montana or Jerry Rice pull some **** like this.
He always struck me as a bit of a "cornball brotha" if we being real. As a black man I just don't understand how you could believe Sherman, a highly educated elite athlete from an impoverished area can set us back by being passionate in a post game interview. Not only is that some real house negro **** but its also just stupid.

Still really like him as a basketball player but he sounding real Republican right now

Yeah lost mad respect for dude...

500 years?

Did this guy mention Deion Sanders?

I heard him on an interview today saying he was mic'd up and he was actually telling Crabtree "good game...".

Yes he did. And I don't don't see how he can add Revis to that list

I hate when people complain about dudes who trash talk during competition. It makes me think they never competed and/or never was really good at sports

trash talk between players is fine. Keep it there. When you come out and have to hype yourself up, that's when it's bad.
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