Dealing with difficult family members

Jan 1, 2010
How do ya'll manage? Can't stand a certain relative of mine, always has to be right and a strong personality. We used to argue a lot, but now every time we meet I just try to avoid it like the plague. A serious energy drainer so I rarely look forward to family gatherings. But yea how do you guys cope?
How do ya'll manage? Can't stand a certain relative of mine, always has to be right and a strong personality. We used to argue a lot, but now every time we meet I just try to avoid it like the plague. A serious energy drainer so I rarely look forward to family gatherings. But yea how do you guys cope?
they may feel the same about u
just do u
and try not to let it get to u
Negative vibes in the house is the worst. Home is supposed to be a place of peace and relaxation
I try my best to ignore 'em... Or keep it really brief
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I can only handle certain family members in small doses and i don't even have a big family. Removing yourself from them is the best solution.
Thing is, family ain't going anywhere. I have relatives who have been petty beefin' for over a decade now. It makes it awkward for everyone else at Christmas time. Who wants to dodge relatives for the rest of their life? You can't keep these fools away.
I used to be close with my dad’s side. But as I got older I realized how terrible some of them were but whatever, saw them less and less and it was fine enough.

Then when my dad got sick and passed, their true colors came out just as I imagined, and it was the perfect opportunity to cut them out of my life. I haven’t spoken to 95% of them since the day of my dad’s funeral. I don’t respond to texts, I throw out invitations.

I get the whole blood is thicker than water crap, but you don’t choose your family, and they aren’t always good people. Holidays now are usually just my mom and siblings and our significant others, which is quite different than the 35+ I was accustomed to growing up, but this is better.

I appreciate a strong family bond, but I don’t miss them one bit.
I find not being around them as being the easiest solution. Especially if you grown. You can just leave.
I've definitely been strongly considering cutting several family members out of my life. Family don't mean **** if they have a negative impact on your life.
if $$ becomes involved, especially if its family you are not on good terms with, than yikes
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Got a ton of difficult *** fam members.
Me and my mom just avoid them all together,

As someone above said, life is too short to deal with bs like this man
I'm bad when it comes to this.

I think my siblings are energy and financially draining leeches that refuse to put any work in to establish any sort of financial base for themselves so they can stop constantly needing handouts. Got my older fam hitting me up for money so they can give it to them, nah king.

Makes it hard to have a great relationship with my nieces and nephews cause I want 0 to do with my brother and sister.
For your own sake, I would wish them well and find forgiveness if the family member did you dirty. Moving forward just give you troublesome family member as little energy as possible. Draw the line and stick to it.
Learned a long time ago that it’s best to not even engage folks like that. I’ll keep it cordial when I see you, but outside of the typical pleasantries, there is no relationship. Yeah it sucks to have things be that way, but it sucks worse being in conflict and turmoil over some dumb ****.

Once my kid was born it opened my eyes to the fact that family isn’t everything. As a parent you want your kid to have that family upbringing so bad, but at what cost? I learned that letting my kid be taught how to act a fool by some of her family members just wasn’t the move.
I used to be close with my dad’s side. But as I got older I realized how terrible some of them were but whatever, saw them less and less and it was fine enough.

Then when my dad got sick and passed, their true colors came out just as I imagined, and it was the perfect opportunity to cut them out of my life. I haven’t spoken to 95% of them since the day of my dad’s funeral. I don’t respond to texts, I throw out invitations.

I get the whole blood is thicker than water crap, but you don’t choose your family, and they aren’t always good people. Holidays now are usually just my mom and siblings and our significant others, which is quite different than the 35+ I was accustomed to growing up, but this is better.

I appreciate a strong family bond, but I don’t miss them one bit.

LOL I feel like this is gonna be me sooner than later. I miss when I was little and we had fat BBQ's in my front yard and everyone got along. Everyone is beefing with each other now. I don't understand how we can't just talk things out.
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