Dealing with stress...vol. # spiritual journey ?!

Jun 12, 2008
whats up NT,

I am about to be 25, got a good secure job in NYC as a Project Accountant, got a roof over my head, healthy, pretty contenet for the most part... except thereare times whereas I just cannot deal with various factors of my life at any given moment.

Student loans, WORK STRESS, bills, car problems, all that just make me want to leave everything behind for a bit and just go out and find myself.

anyone ever did that before ?

go on some pilgrimage, joing the peace corp, do a life altering 360 turn ?

any suggestions would be good
go 2 india or other impoverished countries and see how good you have it, stress on them is feedin kids and stayin alive
I feel you man. Being and all the other stuff that comes with it is pretty stressful.

I wish I could take a year off and just roam the world.

Honestly, Jesus is the only thing that gets me through. He takes a lot of load off my shoulders
I find joy in learning. I always feel so good at the end of the day knowing that i learned something. No matter WHAT it is. Just read bro, get a blog, readpeoples opinions, state your own, buy a book, idk but to me knowledge is key to life.
thanks guys,

it's not that I am stressed out on a daily basis and overall unhappy with life, it's just at times I swear I just cannot go on.

I never thought life was a bed of roses and everything will be perfect all the time, there are just certain instances where these feelings come about and Ifeel in the long run it would be a good idea to take a break from this fast pace hustle bustle life and just reflect. Even if it's just for a couple monthsor a year. I have taken 1-2 week vacatiobns before and during that time the thoughts of just returning to my normal work stressful life always lingers.
I hear you.I agree with what Anton said as far as hobbies.Is there something that you are passionate about or thought about getting into but just havent?
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