Dear NT - I passed the CPA exam! Vol - I don't need a blog

Feb 12, 2003
As some of you are aware, I've been in the process of taking the CPA Exam (for a while
). I had taken and passed 3 out of the 4 fairly quickly with a few 74's. Ithink I've received a record amount of 74's (you need a 75 to pass) on BEC alone. This morning it was my pleasure to find out as I checked my scorethat I had passed BEC, the last piece of the puzzle.

A shout out to the other NT CPA's, as I know there are a few of you. Also, thanks to Deadsetace for throwing BEC video lecture my way should I had neededit (I don't now!!).

I took a week off of work this time and a week off of the net. Pure focus, it was hard and I certainly would rather have used my PTO for something moreexciting...but now I never have to take that test ever again.

Congrats man....I'm graduating in December in Accounting...I wanna try to start studying pretty soon after so I can get it done with....What review did youuse? Any tips?
Allow enough time to study, don't try to KNOW everything, but surely be familiar with all the topics. Stay away from the net when you study,seriously.

Congrats man....I'm graduating in December in Accounting...I wanna try to start studying pretty soon after so I can get it done with....What review did you use? Any tips?
I graduated in December (2005) and started my job in January, so I had to put off my studying for a bit. I used Becker. I honestly have no issueswith it. Its certainly pricey, but its so worth it. They prep you like no others. I began with Roger Phillips (in SF) because I thought the live class wouldbe more beneficial. No, what is beneficial is having software that mimics the exam and questions that are more likely going to show up than the books Rogergives (which could be purchased at Barnes and Noble, they're the Wiley exam books). I felt it was more of advantage to have Becker because they tailortheir software to look almost identical to the actual exam.
congrats man - my buddy passed the CPA late last year, he was pumped... only part he struggled with was the BEC, too i guess.
Really, but the way it seemed I thought you passed it already.You were very knowledgeable in matters regarding accounting..I passed the test, still have tocomplete my hours. Congrats though

YES!!! Team Acct prevails again. In 2 years hopefully I'll be able to say the same. BEC is that like the ethics section kinda thing?
Dirty - it feels great, honestly hasn't even sunken in.
Angel - thanks man, you used to work for KPMG, right? I'm not at a big 4, which probably helped me get my hours. I have well over 400 audit hours alone.Life and work got in the way, I had to re-take audit because it had expired. Had some absolutely nightmare clients that got in the way of studying. I thenrolled off 2 and got a 74 on the 3rd.

To be honest, BEC is the "easiest" for a lot of people. However, I struggle with cost accounting and can't stand the subject. Not only that, butits the only class I ever did bad in in college...that and advanced cost. Lastly, my firm doesn't have ANY clients that ANY of that material would overlaplike the rest of the exam does.

Appreciate all the good wishes, next degree.....maybe
Congrats- Pop bottles for the weekend (oh wait you're an accountant so you might not be into that)

Gods blessings to you and your career
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Dirty - it feels great, honestly hasn't even sunken in.
Angel - thanks man, you used to work for KPMG, right? I'm not at a big 4, which probably helped me get my hours. I have well over 400 audit hours alone. Life and work got in the way, I had to re-take audit because it had expired. Had some absolutely nightmare clients that got in the way of studying. I then rolled off 2 and got a 74 on the 3rd.

To be honest, BEC is the "easiest" for a lot of people. However, I struggle with cost accounting and can't stand the subject. Not only that, but its the only class I ever did bad in in college...that and advanced cost. Lastly, my firm doesn't have ANY clients that ANY of that material would overlap like the rest of the exam does.

Appreciate all the good wishes, next degree.....maybe
I'm working on my law degree to be a corporate lawyer, so good wishes on your journey bro.

CONGRATULATIONS. Welcome to the Club.

@ you mentioning Roger Philips. He used to teach for MarkDauberman's CPA review. Dude was funny but I didn't learn from him.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Congrats- Pop bottles for the weekend (oh wait you're an accountant so you might not be into that)

Gods blessings to you and your career

Getting drunk will be an understatement. Will be celebrating for sure, then going to Tahoe as promised by my folks.

Thanks again, Angel.

lol, I'll post in the Warriors thread soon....its been too depressing as a Warrior fan to even look at it...and I created the damn thread.
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