Death > public speaking? vol. stage fright

I just imagine Cam in Paid In Full..."Let me get an extra water, b"...and somehow that inspires me to deliver my little speech and do whatever else Igotta do.
SHOCKING NEW DEVELOPMENTS: I'm in a three person group and one of them decided to change up the ENTIRE presentationwithout consent from me (the lead speaker). I'm kinda stressing cuz this would mean I'd have to restructure my entire talk I've rehearsed about 50times. I ain't going down like that b!

its the worst. i got really self concious one time and started to fidget all over and my voice became monotone... my eyes started to look around the room and igot real nervous/anxious/sweaty/dizzy. I broke through that wall tho and finished. but i still have more speeches to go...ugh.
I took a speech class in high school. Before then, I HATED speaking in front of an audience. Now, I am a pro at it and am no longer afraid. Heck, thanks tothis class, I landed myself an A on my senior project presentation.

It was also by far my favorite class in high school. I LOVED that class.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

1) write down every word you are going to say.
2) practice practice practice until you memorize each word and don't have to look at the paper.

I disagree. For me at least, that would just confuse me once I got in front of the class. It'll put more stress on you because you want to stick to this script in your head, and if you slip up on a word or two you might be completely thrown off in the hardest place to try to regain composure--in front of all the people.

I try to use no papers or prompts, but if I feel like I need something, I use a small piece of paper with a bulleted list of main points to cover--sometimes a subheading if there's a really crucial point I want to make sure to emphasize. Ideally, you should know whatever it is you're about to speak about well enough that you shouldn't need a prompt before you go up there. I've had to endure dozens and dozens of presentations this year, and there is nothing more dull and boring than watching a student presenting reading a piece of paper (sometimes in complete monotone).

i also disagree. it's less personable if you're memorizing and presenting what you have to say verbatim off of a paper. also whenever ihave done that i've gotten even more flustered because i may have lost my place. and my mind when up there can't focus if i have to stick to that. if iknow 100% what i'm talking about.. i just go up there.... maybe with a list of points i want to address and then just go off
it's like no matterhow much i prepare, when i'm actually up there, my instinct takes over and delivers. sometimes i even surprise myself with things i say

it's like... do you REALLY understand the material.. or are you memorizing what you have to just to get by? that's not learning. you need to trulyunderstand something fundamentally.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Everyone always cites this fact but I would like to see some actual academic studies proving such. I know that most folks do not like public speaking but if someone puts a gun to your head and says "either give a five minute persuasive speak on abortion or we will kill you," that that person ask for the bullet.

I am glad that I have the power of public speech and I love opportunities to speak in front of groups.

Also, the less planning and preparation and practice, the better. I loved impromptu more than any other style we had in my speech class.

i think the "stat" is people are scared of public speaking more than they are of death, not they would rather die than speak in public.
just look at the people in the crowd before. most wont even CARE after the fact, 5 minutes after the presentation, let alone 2 days.. they care very little orhave attention elsewhere.. its literally 95% mental
"if you're going to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than giving the eulogy." (just watched that seinfiled episode the other day)
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i would rather give a presentation than write a paper.
same here; I got a paper due tomorrow that was assigned a week back and, like always, I managed to procrastinate till the last day.

I guess the reason I hate writing so much is because I suck at staying focused and managing time
Public Speaking is easy and great.

AS LONG as you know the material you are speaking about. Preparation is key and pacing yourself while you talk to make sure your words and clear andunderstood.
I'm about to take a class for summer. Man anyone ever take a few shots before just to get more loose?
Can't do it.

No matter what I try. 

Too hard for me.

I shake too much and my voice starts trembling.

My eyes start to twitch violently.

My hands sweaty and shaking.

I hold a paper in my hand and it is shaking and everyone can see it.

My knees are weak.


Right after I finish I think damn that sucked so much. If I was told to do it again right this moment I would knock it out easily 

Thats the only time I would be able to do a presentation.
How was this thread even found? Duke typed shook ones in the forum search?

On that note I love public speaking. Right at home in front of a crowd. I prefer all eyes on me actually. Hanging on to your every word. I dig the power
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Think it as a way to show off your speaking abilities and look at everyone to make it feel more intimate with those you choose to stare at.
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:lol: at last minute prep and not knowing what the **** your talking bout.. used to roll that route as well.. I hate public speaking yet have learned that it is an essential part of life.  Using humor helps with my anxiety and switching to a stern high tone when you feel that your losing your audience helps out a ton. 
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