December Wrestling Thread 2021 | Toni Storm Released

do they pipe in fake crowd noise on raw?

that omos aj segment where he dropped him was dead

omos goofed on the mic then the crowd popped randomly
Brother Fly, how goes it my man?

Amazing promo and mind for the business..Was an average at best wrestler, but could tell good in ring stories..If WWE ever has an "ECW wing" of the HOF then he'd deserve to be in it..
I've heard that said about him before, that he has a great mind for the business but what exactly does that mean?
Dear DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , I can't believe the year is almost over
It's getting colder, I'm a year older, but I'm still your soldier
You're my hero because you always bring me the assist
We go together like Muta & his mist!

So once again we're back to zero, here we go, my Christmas Wish
I won't be greedy or needy or ask you for too much
Just want one thing and hope you still got that magic touch
'Cause gettin' this wish granted is the only thing keeping me ALIVE
Dear DC, I want you to make the Nebraska Drive 🌽 :emoji_corn:
I got you some Husker gear running around the shopping mall like Paul Blart 🌽 :emoji_corn:
Nebraska's Volleyball team plays like fine art 🌽 :emoji_corn:
I thought long and hard about my wish, but then I was like "Oh Wait Stop"
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican can wear husker gear and drive to my Nebraska Shop! 🌽 :emoji_corn:
I know you probably hear this every day, but you got a cool MASK!

All those matches you told me to watch were worth the Task!

Anyways, I love the things you do
Don't forget to grant my wish, truly yours, I believe in you
This is Moon :emoji_crescent_moon:
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