December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell


where ya going?

@3:20 14 years prior to below. And they get on Kenny for stealing from video games.


forgot about this one...
I need Io bae to take the belt from flair. She's been on nxt for awhile now and still hasn't won the championship. If not, call her up to join Kairi and Asuka to form the Bukakke Baes stable.
Natalya sister man DAMN!

I want to see Dream win but I think they need to at least give us Finn vs Cole for the title. Maybe you move Dream to someone else after but I think with the recent accusations maybe hold it off but Dream big NXT title win needs to be in front of the crowd.

I’m more excited to see the stage :lol: I would love if NXT continues the PPV that are not Takeovers they get creative.
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