December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

One of his best/the best promos...the template...the prototype...the original...

Unfortunately this is in B&W but originally it did broadcast in color.

I think Superstar had pink trunks on and a very dark suntan. :lol:
Treats Vince like dirt. :lol: Brother.

I’m watching the WWE PC combine right now. As seen in TV every week, Montez is easily the best athlete in the company. He’s literally that one dude on your team that can do everything without breaking a sweat or look like he’s even trying.
I’m watching the WWE PC combine right now. As seen in TV every week, Montez is easily the best athlete in the company. He’s literally that one dude on your team that can do everything without breaking a sweat or look like he’s even trying.
That was a great watch. It was a long watch. I think I got through 2 hours of it. I had notes written out as a a review too.

I remember R. Moss testing well too.

Rus really is a kuk in real life not just playing one. Looking on while other men touch his wife’s body all over.
Found someone who did less than kaeler braxeton

im beyond embarrassed smh

I need to hear it straight from that bum Dolan‘S mouth
low end theory or midnight marauders?

Midnight for me was much more textured. More enjoyable listening experience.

This is wild. Someone needs to make this a gimmick match. Egyptian tomb match.
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