December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

The Bushwackers are in the HOF. The bar is pretty low to get in

Vincent James McMahon's limo driver/bodyguard is in it too

To be fair he was occasionally an on-screen presence as well, but surely not noteworthy enough to be in a hall of fame

How exactly would somebody the caliber of Billie Kay get in position to manhandle Bayley like this ?
Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee Let me ask you this.

Looking at the WON HOF vs. WWE HOF, in terms of "legitimacy" (I know it is wrestling), which one ranks higher?

Please look at the list of wrestlers in each HOF and tell me which one is a stronger showing of what they are supposed to represent.

Explain please.
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Bushwhackers were popular for a period of time so I don't see it diminishing the HoF.

Every HoF in any sport has those few guys who were not HoF worth but got in.
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