December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Woke Matt Hardy was dumb as hell man. In TNA. In WWE. Goofy gimmick.

It was initially creative, then it got beaten to a pulp, and specially trying to re-do it these last few years. Some stuff just needs to stay in the past once it runs it’s course, don’t need to bring it back like a sitcom reboot.
how many grains of spice should i take for the report that its Orton vs. Drew at Summerslam?

I have read a report(I think it's from that guy who calls San Jose his home) say that Drew vs
for SSlam.

I think we should take both reports with a tablespoon of vinegar.
tbh - your post above isn't very kayfabe -
Or is it?

I'm going to start my own Wrestling Thread that is going to render this one obsolete.

And since everything I say happens...nice knowing you NTWT, or shall I say, "2nd BEST WRESTLING THREAD ON NT"

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