Defining Moments Package 2 "Raging Bull" Info

thats all i can say to the red suede 5s
the gatorades are okk but i hope they release the black instead
and red/white 12s in xmaz???
if all these rumors are true we are going to see one of the best year JB has had in historyyyyyy
Those Red V's are ugly as hell.
pass on both of those V's, might have to cop the XII's tho if they do drop, im glad i got the og's to hold me over till x-mas tho
is it just me or im not impress with both V's/ yeah the red black looks okay but the other v's
/ might pass on these one unless i see the real pics/ not a very good DMP
They remind me of Laser RED IV's .... well , just the RED . But these joints are still going to be copped .
the only thing i dont like about the people in "the loop" is when they talk in codes between each other in a thread just keep that in pm's

other then that i dont mind not getting the info feed to me i like gettin hints and clues as to wats coming out cuz it allows me to get the money together andput it off to the side.
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