
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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You say 'we' like everyone was making fun of him in CLE. I wasn't, so I'm not backtracking by being on TGMBAC.
CP: I hear you, and I agree... but what if we struggle and he's passive? "Man, will he get up & do something?" That's what I see y'all saying.
that's how a majority of sports fans are for their team though

If I was a Lakers fan I would be most concerned with the nonexistent bench and fragility/health of the starting lineup.

Mike Brown comes after that.
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Naw, I won't worry if he's not doing anything other than adjustments.

There are subtle things in ball not everyone sees, surely most should understand that.

As an example from last year

Oj Mayo is being guarded by Steve Blake. The WORLD knows that's a bad plan. Mike has him out there anyways. I would say, well, maybe he's trying something out, let's see what Blake's got.
First try, cooked
second try, cooked
third try, cooked
fourth try WHY THE **** IS THERE A FOURTH TRY MIKE!!!???!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? :| :lol

God damn man, get the hell out of your own way.

OJ Mayo was playin that game with a hard on. Like, "so this is how Kobe feels when I guard him". :lol :lol :lol :lol

As long as he doesn't overreact, something like oh, Ebanks dribbled the ball off his foot, benched. :{

Goudelock missed a 3. Bench.

Oh no, we're down 6, crowd's hype, gotta get Kobe back the second quarter.

That's all ********. Stupid, unwise, lame coaching.

People LOVE to say we weren't good enough last year. Well, they're wrong. We were neck and neck with the Thunder last year. Only one problem. Kobe, was worn down. He played balls out all damn year. Would he have had even 1% more juice in him, if Brown would have played EITHER Ebanks, or Goudelock a litle more in the regular season, even if it cost some earlier games, but maybe later on, they could have gelled and went to work? Remind me why Ebanks started the year, played for 2 weeks, then sat for MONTHS. Only when Ron got clipped did he get back out there, and he did decently well for a guy that played none, and practiced very little with that weird schedule.

What if, what if he had been getting 12 minutes a night all year, does he have a tad more experience for the playoffs? Does Kobe have a little more juice? And then, do we manage to actually beat the Thunder, and move on a round?

I'm not pickin on Mike cuz I'm bored. I follow this franchise like no other. I watched Phil run superstars out there, and I also watched Phil send out scrubs in rookie Drew, Farmar, Sasha, Kwame, Smush, I saw he got minutes where he could for guys, how he rested Kobe when he could, even if the other team was runnin us, he was using every minute to teach, and train young guys for bigger moments that would soon come. Did Mike Brown prepare Goudelock, Morris, or Ebanks last year for anything?

I mean, the man has a TEN man rotation SET for him by Mitch right now.

Dwight, Pau, Ron, Kobe, Nash
Hill, Jamison, Ebanks, Meeks, Blake


It's right there. And he's talkin about not knowin his rotation yet? :|

You play that lineup til the wheels falls off. One game you chill Nash. Another game you play Kobe 28 minutes. Give Pau a 27 minute night.

When you can, you give Sacre a few minutes, Morris, Goude, whatever kid is on the roster at the time, but not with other bums, sprinkle them in with 3 starters, so they can kind of relax, knowing they have help, learn the speed, run the plays. Our kids last year got NONE of that.

Dude went with an 8 man rotation for over half the season, and hmmmm, we seemed to run out of gas late in games against the Thunder, geeeeeeeeeee.

I swear, I will try to give him a chance, but already, everything he has said and done, he seems to be overthinking, and if he does this **** again, I'm going to be a straight up ******* on this board.

Well, more than usual I should say. :Nthat
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We still don't allow profanity on the board, though.

And maybe... just a thought, here... MAYBE when he talks about not knowing his rotations yet, he's not talking about 'Starting 5 & Second String'.

Maybe... now follow me for a sec... maybe he's wondering who the best 3 are to pair w/ Steve&Pau while Kobe & Dwight rest. Then maybe he brings in Dwight, so who are the best 2 w/ Steve, Pau, & Dwight? Out w/ Pau, Kobe's in; who are the best 2 in that situation? Depends on the score? Who we're playing? Other stuff?

All of that is "Don't know the rotations yet." Not "Don't know my starting 5." C'mon, man.
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Lol, I caught it just before you post. I thought the censor would * it out, but guess that word isn't on there. My bad, I forgot to check after I posted if it blanked out and when I saw it I was like oh ****. LOL

Maybe. Maybe that's what he meant. I will wait. I will try to let him breathe.

But I'm watching. Closely.
1st of all, I too reported for profanity. (not srs)

2nd of all, who on this board has ever said that Mike Brown is a great coach? Who? Where? No one has ever said such a thing, all we have EVER said is let's see what happens before we all go crazy...and you can't even give him a full season of a chance before going crazy. We've all lost our patience recently, but we gotta keep our composure. Why are you getting so heated over something you can't control?

3rd of all, For a whole damn season all I was hearing and seeing was that Mike Brown cant coach. He is a horrible coach. He sucks. He cant make any adjustments. He cant run any of teams plays himself. He doesn't do anything. He's useless, he doesn't do enough.

...and now? You write us a whole novel about how he needs to step back and not do so much? You tell us he needs to shut up, keep his mouth closed, not mess with the team and just let them win on their own basically? You are NOW telling us that Mike Brown needs to stop OVER-COACHING...when last season he wasn't COACHING ENOUGH.

Jesus Christ man. You gotta think about this my dude, I mean admit seems like you are flip flopping on reasons to hate him just so you have more material for your anti-Mike Brown posts.

What more can you say? We get it, you don't like him. He's not a good coach. He let steve blake guard OJ.

ok? Now what? We should all just fire him right now and not give him a full season with this squad?

I dont love Mike brown. I dont think hes a great coach. I dont believe hes AMAZING. But since he got hired to be our coach, since it was a decision we have no control over at all, he might as well get one actual full season to prove to us he should keep his job. That's all we're saying...

If he sucks this year, we're ALL going to want him gone. And If you're going to hate on him, which is fine, just keep the reasons consistent...
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Is LeBron the Lakers' next big target?
If Kobe Bryant hangs it up in 2014, the door is open for a new King of Los Angeles
Originally Published: October 18, 2012
By Brian Windhorst |


Lebron JamesAndrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty ImagesWith the Lakers expecting major cap room in 2014, LeBron may have another big decision to make.

No team reloads like the Los Angeles Lakers.

Their track record of leveraging their hometown appeal and history, plus applying shrewd management, over the past 30 years is virtually without peer.

With their latest coups -- the stunning Steve Nash sign-and-trade and a victory in the Dwight Howard sweepstakes -- just now coming together for the first time, could the Lakers already be plotting out the next one?

Opposing executives think so. As teams continue their long-range planning and work up opposition strategies, the Lakers remain just as much a threat in the transaction game as they are on the court.

Several teams' executives have told they believe the Lakers are positioning themselves to make a run at LeBron James in 2014, when the Miami Heat star can choose to become a free agent.

[+] EnlargeLeBron James and and Kobe Bryant
Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty ImagesIn just two years, LeBron James could take over the starring role in Lakerland from Kobe Bryant.

Recently, Kobe Bryant told that he sees himself playing only two more seasons (2012-13 and 2013-14) and then retiring at age 35. Bryant said similar things in an interview with Yahoo! Sports over the summer.

Bryant has two years left on his contract, and next season he is scheduled to become just the second player ever to earn more than $30 million in a season. The other was Michael Jordan.

Whether or not you believe the ultra-competitive Bryant will follow through with that retirement plan, his statements seem to be a sign that a contract extension or new contract is no sure thing.

In the wake of the Howard trade, much as been made of the massive luxury-tax bill the Lakers are facing next season if they're able to re-sign the big man. salary cap expert Larry **** has estimated the Lakers could be on the hook for as much as $85 million just in taxes in 2013-14.

But look a little further, to that 2014-15 season, and you'll see something else: The Lakers' projected payroll is almost completely clear. Only Nash is signed for that season, at $9.7 million, though the Lakers will also be paying about $20 million to Howard if they can re-sign him this coming summer.

In July 2013, Bryant's $30.4 million, Pau Gasol's $19.2 million, Metta World Peace's $7.7 million, Steve Blake's $4 million and Jordan Hill's $3.5 million will come off the books. There likely won't even be any first-round draft picks filling up the cap, either, as the Lakers have already traded their 2013 first-round pick to Phoenix in the Nash deal.

Opposing teams that are making their own long-range free agency plans think they see the Lakers' plan coming into focus. As it stands, L.A. will have enough cap space to add a superstar like James.


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"It's not a mistake that all those deals end the same year Kobe's does. They have probably been planning for their next phase for a while," said one general manager. "The Busses and [Lakers GM] Mitch [Kupchak] are always thinking about the next big deal."

No one knows this better than Bryant himself, who has been the beneficiary of the Lakers' aggressive maneuvers for 16-plus years.

"I knew how much the Buss family, Jeanie and so forth, wanted to turn it around," Bryant told "I've seen them do it. They rebuilt first by picking up Shaq. ... Then that era was over and they rebuilt again. And now they've rebuilt again. I've seen them do it before."

If Bryant does move on after 18 seasons, as he has openly talked about, they may be ready to do it again.

Whether or not James would be interested in listening to a Lakers offer in two years is impossible to predict now. Remember, in 2008, it was hard to see James ending up in Miami in 2010 even though Heat president Pat Riley, a product of the Lakers' way of thinking, was already preparing to make it happen.

At the moment, the Heat are loaded and poised to be title contenders for the next two seasons.

James is signed through 2016, but he can end his contract in either 2014 or 2015 if he wishes to. He has recently said that he's not thought about his contract decision in 2014, even though he recently switched agents. But observers around the league expect James to opt out of his contract in 2014, no matter what happens with the Heat over the next two seasons. That doesn't mean he won't stay in Miami, but it does mean he might be in play again.


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"The agent part probably doesn't matter. LeBron is the best player in the league and he's making less than the max, so unless he's seriously hurt he's going to opt out in 2014, if only because I would assume he wants and deserves to get a true max," said one league executive. "Even if the Heat win the next two titles there's a feeling that LeBron is going to become a free agent in two years no matter what."

Just as during the period from 2008 to 2010, James' free agent plans will probably become a big topic over the next 21 months. They will definitely be a part of various teams' long-term cap planning. Presumably, that list of teams includes the Lakers.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on Chris Paul, LeBron's best friend in the NBA. James has wanted to team up with CP3 for seven years or more. In 2005, when Paul was about to be drafted, James asked the Cavs to attempt to move up to get Paul, but the Cavs did not have the assets to pull off such a trade.

Paul and James have only grown closer since, playing together on Team USA four times since 2006 and winning gold medals in 2008 and last summer. Paul will be a free agent in 2013, and his situation could influence James' plans a year later.

In any case, the Lakers are positioning themselves to be major players again, post-Bryant. Based on their long track record, there's no reason to believe they won't aim for the biggest star possible. In 2014, that likely will be LeBron James.
Probably, Lakers always target marquee players so it shouldn't be a surprise.

What would be a surprise is Kobe actually taking a pay cut if he decides to come back another year after his contract is up. KG got what, 10-15 million a year? Kobe would want that at least. Probably more. He wants what he feels he deserves, hes not like Duncan who will take a cut to help management out. He's said this before, its not his responsibility as a player to help a team with their payroll.

Now if he actually retires (I doubt it) in 2 years, then the Lakers can absorb pretty much anyone to play with Dwight.
1st of all, I too reported for profanity. (not srs)

2nd of all, who on this board has ever said that Mike Brown is a great coach? Who? Where? No one has ever said such a thing, all we have EVER said is let's see what happens before we all go crazy...and you can't even give him a full season of a chance before going crazy. We've all lost our patience recently, but we gotta keep our composure. Why are you getting so heated over something you can't control?

3rd of all, For a whole damn season all I was hearing and seeing was that Mike Brown cant coach. He is a horrible coach. He sucks. He cant make any adjustments. He cant run any of teams plays himself. He doesn't do anything. He's useless, he doesn't do enough.

...and now? You write us a whole novel about how he needs to step back and not do so much? You tell us he needs to shut up, keep his mouth closed, not mess with the team and just let them win on their own basically? You are NOW telling us that Mike Brown needs to stop OVER-COACHING...when last season he wasn't COACHING ENOUGH.

Jesus Christ man. You gotta think about this my dude, I mean admit seems like you are flip flopping on reasons to hate him just so you have more material for your anti-Mike Brown posts.

What more can you say? We get it, you don't like him. He's not a good coach. He let steve blake guard OJ.

ok? Now what? We should all just fire him right now and not give him a full season with this squad?

I dont love Mike brown. I dont think hes a great coach. I dont believe hes AMAZING. But since he got hired to be our coach, since it was a decision we have no control over at all, he might as well get one actual full season to prove to us he should keep his job. That's all we're saying...

If he sucks this year, we're ALL going to want him gone. And If you're going to hate on him, which is fine, just keep the reasons consistent...

I am being consistent, I haven't changed one bit of what I have said he's done or been doing. I gave examples of each way, things he should have/could have done, and things he did.

I wasn't clamoring for him to coach more last year, I was clamoring for him to coach better. One thing he HAS to do, is manage minutes, he wasn't doing it correctly. And I spoke on that.

And I'm afraid he's going to mess with that this year too, hence, me saying stop screwing with stuff, or overthinking, run a set rotation with the players you now have, we have an EASY 10 man rotation, don't overthink it.

How is that not consistent on my part?
If Lebron ever becomes a Laker.I'll still be a Laker fan but cannot ever support & cheer for Lebron.

Haven't liked this dude since he was a Sophmore in High School and was on the cover of SLAM with Sebastian Telfair.
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Felt good to be back in here....then I saw the same topic rehashed.....Mike Brown. Ya'll carry on.
I wasn't clamoring for him to coach more last year, I was clamoring for him to coach better. One thing he HAS to do, is manage minutes, he wasn't doing it correctly. And I spoke on that.

Pretty much my biggest beef with Mike Brown last season too. Not to take anything away from OKC but those 4th quarters, we saw how shot our legs were at the end of those playoffs games. Its like OKC had that extra gear at the end of games while we were out of gas. There was no need to play Kobe and Gasol so many minutes during the season.
If Lebron ever becomes a Laker.I'll still be a Laker fan but cannot ever support & cheer for Lebron.

Haven't liked this dude since he was a Sophmore in High School and was on the cover of SLAM with Sebastian Telfair.

THIS for me as well. The dude got his ring. I can't hate on him but I don't like him. I respect his game and talents but I just do not like how he carries himself.
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only laker fans would be talkin bout lbj after we landed dwight :lol

anyways i cant wait to see dwight play
only laker fans would be talkin bout lbj after we landed dwight :lol
anyways i cant wait to see dwight play

Only Cleveland fans would think they are getting Lebron back after his contract is up, right when he signed with the Heat :p
I'm over this MB thing man... this is like the Knicks thread where people are just tired of arguing back and forth about Jeremy Lin.
They've made an agreement to just not bring his name up in the thread for the sake of the thread.

We should do the same.

Lets just drop all talk about Mike freaking Brown until there is a good reason to discuss him again.

Good reason as in a 10 game losing streak, or getting bounced in the playoffs, or punching a player, or doing something worth discussing.

Let's just let the damn season start without arguing with each other sheesh. That goes for both sides, me included. :{

Team Lakers man, let's get it. Can't wait to see the roster at full strength.
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Man preseason 

nash looking good so far ,not the team but oh well .. 
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