Denmark introduces world's first food fat tax *Paging finn*

Sep 16, 2003
[h1]Denmark introduces world's first food fat tax[/h1]

Some scientists think saturated fat may be the wrong target

Denmark has introduced what is believed to be the world's first fat tax - a surcharge on foods that are high in saturated fat.

Butter, milk, cheese, pizza, meat, oil and processed food are now subject to the tax if they contain more than 2.3% saturated fat.

Some consumers began hoarding to beat the price rise, while some producers call the tax a bureaucratic nightmare.

Others suggest that many Danes will simply start shopping abroad.

Danish officials say they hope the new tax will help limit the population's intake of fatty foods.

However, some scientists think saturated fat may be the wrong target.

They say salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates are more detrimental to health and should be tackled instead.

This is OD.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

[h1]Denmark introduces world's first food fat tax[/h1]However, some scientists think saturated fat may be the wrong target.

They say salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates are more detrimental to health and should be tackled instead.

Who are these scientists and what research do they provide to back up their opinions? If I'm not mistaken, saturated fats directly contribute to the bad kind of cholesterol. While salt and sugar can be bad, those are actually required by our bodies to function optimally.

Refined carbs are bad as well, but I don't think they contribute to poor health as much as saturated fats.

Good for Denmark. America NEEDS this kind of tax.
i support it, should be brought here but america doesnt care for the people so it will never happen.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Americans would go nuts if that went into effect here

I'd support it.

Would help me and others.

I'm not that fat if it matters.
makes sense...if health care is going to be free (for the most part)...then we are going to tax you for making bad choices that put strain on the system...

good logic is good.
Originally Posted by copped

makes sense...if health care is going to be free (for the most part)...then we are going to tax you for making bad choices that put strain on the system...

good logic is good.

I came here to say almost exactly this, but I would rephrase it.
If healthcare is going to be state run, and all people are going to be contributing through taxes, then those who choose to eat unhealthy food should be taxed more. It simply isn't fair to those who choose to eat healthily. 
The people of Denmark need to ask themselves if they wanna look like our obesed country (US). Their government is semi doing them a favor.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by copped

makes sense...if health care is going to be free (for the most part)...then we are going to tax you for making bad choices that put strain on the system...

good logic is good.

I came here to say almost exactly this, but I would rephrase it.
If healthcare is going to be state run, and all people are going to be contributing through taxes, then those who choose to eat unhealthy food should be taxed more. It simply isn't fair to those who choose to eat healthily. 

I agree.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

[h1]Denmark introduces world's first food fat tax[/h1]However, some scientists think saturated fat may be the wrong target.

They say salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates are more detrimental to health and should be tackled instead.

Who are these scientists and what research do they provide to back up their opinions? If I'm not mistaken, saturated fats directly contribute to the bad kind of cholesterol. While salt and sugar can be bad, those are actually required by our bodies to function optimally.

Refined carbs are bad as well, but I don't think they contribute to poor health as much as saturated fats.

Good for Denmark. America NEEDS this kind of tax.
while sugar and salt are necessary, the amount most of us take in is OD. This newest generation of people consume way more salt then we need and its gonna come back to bite us in the form of high blood pressure and kidney damage. Salt and sugar can be just as dangerous for you as saturated fats. 
I think the idea to lessen fat intake is a good one, but not in the form of a tax. As long as the product is clean and up to standard, it should be available for the consumer to make a decision on how healthy they want to be
This is OD.

Some of your tax dollars go into the treatment of diseases caused by Obesity or Diabetes.

This might be a small move in an American's perspective but it might be a deterrent for a Dane to buy fastfood.

+1 for the Danish. Now I hope we follow suit.

really? yess! milk is horrible for you bro

I thought you were going to back it up with a scientifically proven answer but nvm.

If those folks in the early ages were able to survive with milk  coming straight from the cow's #%%$, I'm sure we'll be able to live with all the non-fat alternatives we have.

Sorry, I'm a huge advocate for Milk.
A friend of mine moved to Copenhagen; she basically said she is a kid again. Life is simple there and I don't even think that many would buy such crappy food anyhow.
This is utterly idiotic.

Our bodies need saturated fats for dozens of different functions, including hormone regulation. I don't know what Denmark is teaching its doctors, but they need to check their facts.
Originally Posted by DT43

This is utterly idiotic.

Our bodies need saturated fats for dozens of different functions, including hormone regulation. I don't know what Denmark is teaching its doctors, but they need to check their facts.
Does a human really need saturated fat from pizza, milk, cheese, butter? I thought saturated fat can be synthesized from carbohydrates, thus no requirement for it from our diet. Denmark is one of the healthiest nations in the world so surely they must have some smart doctors. We have the best medical schools in the world here and look at our @@$@#$ up health model.

like dude up there said, i'm skinny. i have good chol and bp. let me eat what the +#@$ i want to eat, why should i have to suffer because a bunch of fat #*! #@%@* can't control their intake? p.s. i hate fat people
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

like dude up there said, i'm skinny. i have good chol and bp. let me eat what the %@!% i want to eat, why should i have to suffer because a bunch of fat *#! @#%%! can't control their intake? p.s. i hate fat people


Additionally I work out a lot. Im not trying to look like a stick figure. Its healthy to have a little fat (in case I get sick). After a work out ill have my chicken and protein shake, but i'll also have a slice of pizza or maybe some dessert. For a broke skinny college student sometimes I have no choice but to eat fatty foods. Healthy calories price>>>>>> unhealthy junk food cost. I gotta get some fat somehow (I guess I could turn to 40s
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

like dude up there said, i'm skinny. i have good chol and bp. let me eat what the +#@$ i want to eat, why should i have to suffer because a bunch of fat #*! #@%@* can't control their intake? p.s. i hate fat people

Citizens should have their BMI posted on their license, and if it's above the national average, the tax would then apply to them.  EZ. 

The tax can then be used to fund the education system, so they have nothing to whine about.  The education system can then use the money to better educate their students about safe sex, instead of abstinence; thus reducing the tax dollars used to fund pregnant teens.

so much win.
I'm not saying i support this but some of you are missing the point....

it has nothing to do with being fat, esp. since Denmark's population is not overweight unlike America's. Although this might hurt their dairy industry. 

Saturated fat = cardiovascular disease as well as many other illnesses like cancer etc.
Originally Posted by CJ003

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

like dude up there said, i'm skinny. i have good chol and bp. let me eat what the %@!% i want to eat, why should i have to suffer because a bunch of fat *#! @#%%! can't control their intake? p.s. i hate fat people


Additionally I work out a lot. Im not trying to look like a stick figure. Its healthy to have a little fat (in case I get sick). After a work out ill have my chicken and protein shake, but i'll also have a slice of pizza or maybe some dessert. For a broke skinny college student sometimes I have no choice but to eat fatty foods. Healthy calories price>>>>>> unhealthy junk food cost. I gotta get some fat somehow (I guess I could turn to 40s
so much hate klernhgvipbfvpodbvfrgtr

Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

like dude up there said, i'm skinny. i have good chol and bp. let me eat what the +#@$ i want to eat, why should i have to suffer because a bunch of fat #*! #@%@* can't control their intake? p.s. i hate fat people

Citizens should have their BMI posted on their license, and if it's above the national average, the tax would then apply to them.  EZ. 

The tax can then be used to fund the education system, so they have nothing to whine about.  The education system can then use the money to better educate their students about safe sex, instead of abstinence; thus reducing the tax dollars used to fund pregnant teens.

so much win.
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