Dennis Richmond Last Day on KTVU

Feb 22, 2003
Dennis Richmond has been with KTVU for 40 years! Channel 2 on right now, Crazy I've grown up with this man bringing me the news every night at 10. He isretiring tonight and he's last broadcast is on right now

* waits for TRUE to make Dennis Richmond honor tee.

I'm some real stuff though, I was hella sad watching him saying his final goodbye.

I feel a lot more grown now, knowing I've been watching him in the news since I was a kid during the early 90's.

The Bay is gonna miss you man...
He's basically a main reason I stuck with KTVU news, and his style was always appreciated.

+1 for his wife, she's kinda hot.
i was never a fan of his detached and almost robotic way of reporting news. He seemed inhuman, and that always threw me off due to the nature of reportingoften tragic news....Elaine Corral was a better reporter than him.
a news anchor is supposed to be an unbiased profession. thats what seperated him from other anchors, and its why he's been in the business for so long. its the weathermans job to "lighten" things up
that guy cried on his last news cast. He never shows that much emotion. He even looks composed when hes crying. He is simply a Star. Dude is 60 and still soupbeat and lively hopefully he enjoys his second half of life.
btw: did his wife debrah richmond work for ktvu too?
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