Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

He wasn't really sneakin .... it was a ploy for me to distract my wife while he help yall cheese Atheon.

Quad Sr. coming through with the distraction :nthat:

Bro I have to, my wife absolutely hates Destiny b/c it takes me away for so many hours, she's been neglected ever since 9/9. So I leave him to finish up with yall and go keep my wife busy and distracted so he can continue. Alot of times we switch back and forth depending on who she's fussing at. :lol:
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Between him having to go because he had to make a sandwich and him whispering about he has the TV off so it isn't shining, but he is still there and moving the controller around was hilarious :lol: . For about 45 minutes it was "this is the last try for me man......alright 1 more time." :lol:

TV off? then how is he playing the game with the TV off? ....he's in my man cave with the door closed b/c the surround sound is hella loud.
my dude quad jr son, he was like " Imma tell her imma make a sandwich, then imma just play this game mad low." then you hear wild screaming in the background to get off the game lmaoo
my dude quad jr son, he was like " Imma tell her imma make a sandwich, then imma just play this game mad low." then you hear wild screaming in the background to get off the game lmaoo

Yea he was whispering like the coast was clear or something and then you just heard some yelling out of nowhere, lol

@Quad yea he just like "I'm going to turn the TV off but I am still here". Everyone was asking him how he knew where he would be walking/going during the fight

I feel you though on the taking time from wife thing though. Since my wife is on the early morning commuter schedule, she goes to bed early most nights, so I can play. Those 2 days she works from though, she is up though. Luckily, she takes baby duty those nights or has her shows she watches and catches up on. She even knows that every Thursday for me is raid night at 10pm

Granted she is used to this and isn't nearly as bad as when I was in my WoW binges in college with her there

When you guys heard me and @Biggie62 say how many in game days we had played that game
LOL, that was hilarious. It was fun to hear when he finally went over the edge, that is until I saw the drops that I got. :x:smh::\:frown::smh::stoneface: 0]|I

All at once.

Yea he was whispering like the coast was clear or something and then you just heard some yelling out of nowhere, lol

yea he just like "I'm going to turn the TV off but I am still here". Everyone was asking him how he knew where he would be walking/going during the fight :lol:

I feel you though on the taking time from wife thing though. Since my wife is on the early morning commuter schedule, she goes to bed early most nights, so I can play. Those 2 days she works from though, she is up though. Luckily, she takes baby duty those nights or has her shows she watches and catches up on. She even knows that every Thursday for me is raid night at 10pm :nthat:

Granted she is used to this and isn't nearly as bad as when I was in my WoW binges in college with her there :lol:

When you guys heard me and @Biggie62
say how many in game days we had played that game :wow:

Granted Wright, ~30 days was me being afk with my character just sitting in ironforge while I watch TV just to flaunt my gear lol.
Ahhhh man I need those exotic gloves for my hunter b.

Is there any way to get XP really rapidly to get MoLs? I spent all mine last week and only have 6 now :frown:

@IHeartBoost  my bad I had to leave last night it was 3 am over here lol

Ill be around this weekend sober if you want to party up

Im a lvl 27 and im down to do raid tonight. Normal
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@Zero23 I came to post the Dead Orbit shader, but I noticed that you posted it a couple pages ago.

All about Dead Orbit faction rep now for me as well. That hunter looks bad *** with it
@Zero23 I came to post the Dead Orbit shader, but I noticed that you posted it a couple pages ago.

All about Dead Orbit faction rep now for me as well. That hunter looks bad *** with it
Literally had me like 

There's gotta be a triple black shader in the game somewhere and they just holding it back from us. 
Literally had me like 

There's gotta be a triple black shader in the game somewhere and they just holding it back from us. 
there is, its called the superblack and its not even out yet. bungie advertised it, and didnt put it in the game smfh. people are guessing itll be the reward for the next raid in the dlc. like "chatterwhite." total BS

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Dead Orbit faction it is for me now if this is still true

Does wearing the faction cloak increase the chances of the their faction shaders dropping?
I think the only way to get the shaders is to up the level of the faction, so you would have to wear the cloak of the faction you want to level up. The bounty and mission level up would go to the faction instead of the vanguard.
Literally had me like 

There's gotta be a triple black shader in the game somewhere and they just holding it back from us. 
Check this link out:

You can actually put in your PSn/GT and they will render the shader on your character for you. I need a new chest piece because that Bittersteel sucks on the current one I have, lol. Granted I am going to grab the Voidfang this evening so we shall
Super Black
Literally had me like 

There's gotta be a triple black shader in the game somewhere and they just holding it back from us. 
there is, its called the superblack and its not even out yet. bungie advertised it, and didnt put it in the game smfh. people are guessing itll be the reward for the next raid in the dlc. like "chatterwhite." total BS

I saw a kid wearing the blacksmith shader as a Hunter. I took a screenshot and instantly thought of our convo about it. That shader is badass. 

I'm glad the Crest of Alpha Lupi is finally available. I WILL be copping it. I always wanted it and now with the Trials of Osirus coming up, the fast res speed will be very essential. My White Ranger suit is almost complete now with it.
Does wearing the faction cloak increase the chances of the their faction shaders dropping?
I think the only way to get the shaders is to up the level of the faction, so you would have to wear the cloak of the faction you want to level up. The bounty and mission level up would go to the faction instead of the vanguard.
Some people on reddit were saying that once you get past rank 3, the packages start having a chance to have a shader in them. Some guys though of course are having bad luck and are rank 8-10 and haven't gotten any shaders from them yet though
. Others are rank 4-6 and have gotten them already.
I saw a kid wearing the blacksmith shader as a Hunter. I took a screenshot and instantly thought of our convo about it. That shader is badass. 

I'm glad the Crest of Alpha Lupi is finally available. I WILL be copping it. I always wanted it and now with the Trials of Osirus coming up, the fast res speed will be very essential. My White Ranger suit is almost complete now with it.
Blacksmith was the shader from pre-ordering CoD:Advanced Warfighter
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I saw a kid wearing the blacksmith shader as a Hunter. I took a screenshot and instantly thought of our convo about it. That shader is badass. 

I'm glad the Crest of Alpha Lupi is finally available. I WILL be copping it. I always wanted it and now with the Trials of Osirus coming up, the fast res speed will be very essential. My White Ranger suit is almost complete now with it.
Blacksmith was the shader from pre-ordering CoD:Advanced Warfighter
Yeah, makes me mad I didn't preorder it. Woulda been worth it. Too bad the window has closed for the preorder bonus.
Looks like it is back to Mars for daily bounties and daily. At least we can knock them out in 1 swoop with the public event and 1 strike run or something.....again

I got antsy and finished the raid Tuesday with both of my Warlocks (Thanks /r/fireteams!), because RNG hates me and won't give me the damn raid boots. My normal raid group was a little sad that they'd be two men down so I decided to help them out last night. I love the raid and I don't think you can ever have too much practice and I love my friends so why not?

We were still down one guy and we decided to go out to the community to find someone. A level 27 Warlock joins our party (we'll call him Joey), whom is apparently illiterate, and promptly asks "HARD MODE?!" to our reply "No, sorry. Like the post said, we're doing a fresh Normal run, if you don't want to help it's totally cool." to his response "Oh, do you have a Hard Mode save??" and to our response again "No, we do not. We are only doing a fresh Normal run, if you are adamant on doing a Hard Mode run or save, you are more than welcome to leave and find another group." and he finally responds "Oh ok, well I beat it on Hard last week, but I have a buddy that can help you out".

His friend finally joins (we'll call him Frank) and the two are talking amongst themselves, trying to figure out who will help us, because apparently the Normal run is now completely acceptable for Joey, the level 27 Hard Mode runner. Frank already graciously accepts and we send him a fireteam invite, but Joey is not having it. "WAIT WAIT WAIT! I'll help you guys if you join my clan!" Frank then informs us all that Joey's clan is actually a community clan with some sort of incentive to recruit new players. Not really our thing. So we're off into the Vault, with Joey still in the party.

Every single time we are talking about a new area we are about to start, Joey asks the entire group if we have a hard save for that area. Every. Single. Time.

About half an hour in the Raid and we're already at the Gatekeepers. Our fastest run as a group together yet.

One of my buddies (we'll call him Dave) gets an error code and disconnects. Dave isn't able to log back in. He's texting all of us while resetting his router and xbox. Frank, being the kind soul he is, invites Joey since it looks like Dave won't be able to get back on. Joey as joined the fireteam. We don't think twice since he has the Vex equipped and he's ready for battle. What happens next was probably the worst experience I've ever had in Destiny.

We get the gate open and the away team is getting the first relic on the left side. Hobgoblins coming out of the left door while a minotaur is coming out of the right. We were not prepared, but rockets were shot and only one person survives the massacre. It's Joey and he's on right side.

"Joey, what are you doing on the right side when we were getting the relic on the left?" Joey responded with "What are you talking about? Why is everyone over there?" Now I understand you really don't need everyone on the plate, and you can do it with two people defending each and actually get both relics at the same time, but my normal group is only on their third run together and we were not experience enough as a unit to pull this off. I'm dead so I switch to Joey's player and he isn't even near the right plate, he's on the front right platform near the stairs, just crouched, not doing anything at all.

"Joey, what are you doing all the way over there?" "I didn't know what we were doing so I just went to kill some guys." "Joey, when we say we are getting the relic on the left, it means we're going to be on the left, defending the sync plate" "oh alright"

That response kind of surprised me since he was talking himself up to be this experienced player. Frank got quite, which kind of made me nervous because I started feeling like something was up.

We finally got the relic on left and it was my turn to go into the right portal and get the second relic. We decided to have Joey out defending since he apparently liked killing people so much. A few seconds after we go through the portal "Guardian Down". Did someone die guarding the middle? No, it was Joey. This happened two more times before we jokingly asked "have you even completed the Raid Joey?"

"I'm level 27 and I have the Vex" and that is when we asked the question seriously. "That doesn't answer our question Joey, have you completed the Raid?" "I'm a level 27 and have three characters, I'm one of the highest levels here" "Actually you're not Joey, we have 2 level 29s, 2 28s and a 27, do you even know what class you're even running right now?"


He didn't even know what class he was. This is after being stuck at the Gatekeeper for half an hour. Luckily at this point Dave comes back and we just keep asking Joey how he got the Vex Mythoclast. He wouldn't give us a straight answer and when Dave finally joined the party Joey said "alright, I guess I'll leave so your friend can come back"

Dave joined the fireteam, Joey left the game and party and I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous this kid was. He is every reason why Atheon needs to be nerfed and I'm sure he isn't the only one out there like this.

Once Dave joined, Frank apologized and told us that Joey actually had never beaten the raid, even on Normal. We finished the Raid in about 15 minutes.

tl;dr: Atheon needs to get patched so **** boys don't get gear they don't deserve without knowing even the game's basic mechanics.
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