Dexter Season 7 Trailer

I must be the only one who likes Deb. Watching her character growth throughout the seasons is great. I think she's the most complex character in Dexter. And Jennifer Carpenter is a great actress.

And Dexter would never kill Deb. Ever.
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Hey Guy's,I like TV shows and i'm watching many types of TV shows. My most favourite TV show is Dexter. I'm wating for Next seasone. Dexter TV is Very intresting and best TV show according to me. It's base on reall life story..................
2nd best show behind Lost.

There's no doubt in my mind this will be better than Season 4. This time the season is starting with the twist. I remember how shocked I was when last season ended but how pissed I was because it was such a long wait for this season. Now its right around the corner :smokin

Im really gonna have to figure out how to catch this without having shotime anymore and with megavideo being taken down by the government.
why y'all want Deb gone?  I like the character.

I just started watching the this summer.  I couldn't believe what happened at the end of season 4

I was genuinely sad

She's a new character for season 7 
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why y'all want Deb gone?  I like the character.

I just started watching the this summer.  I couldn't believe what happened at the end of season 4

I was genuinely sad

She's a new character for season 7 
What happened at the end of season 4? Lundy dying right?

Dexter's going to be Deb's new bf.
Just Finished season 6. It was Alright. Season 7 Looks Intense...

Really want to know whats the deal with that Intern/Video game creator... 

Hope Deb Does Die... IDC By Dexter or in some gang fire fight.. Just already do the deed.
Had to force myself to watch the last couple episodes.. FINALLY its about to pick up again.
God DAMN that trailer does it for me. :wow:

And count me as a pro Deb fan. I have always liked her, I don't care if she cries a lot, as an actress, she does her job VERY well. Her and Dex are thee 2 best characters in the show, year in and year out. Just cuz she cries and makes an ugly face don't speak to how good at her job she is.

And no way that's a real kill of Masuka. Dream sequence, has to be. Suk ain't goin out like that. That dude destined to die with 4 hookers on him, can't tell me different.
Bump because its on tonight! good episode to start it off. won't say anything right here, spoiler if you saw
would have been cool if Mike was still alive but don't know why they had to kill him off
also OP update title if your still around
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