Did anyone see that video on youtube...

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by tim teufel

dont watch it. its pretty graphic. they drench the little puppy with gasoline then light it on fire and let him run wild in flames. the dog is fighting for his life then after 45 secs it takes its last breathe 
rip doggie those lil kids will be in hell soon enough

The puppy lived I saw an update. His face is disfigured and has only one eye but still lived

When I was a kid, we'd do this to our old skate boards, not animals.
They say people who abuse or kill animals have the potential to be serial killers.

And you can definitely still survive after a burning. That is the worst thing about it. It is like a slow process and it hurts like no other. I wish that on no one regardless if they are animals or not.
I'm not the biggest animal lover per se, but doing something like that indicates something isn't right upstairs. That's just downright mean.
Originally Posted by beh235

I'm not the biggest animal lover per se, but doing something like that indicates something isn't right upstairs. That's just downright mean.
I know...I barely like pets but this is horrible...some can be so cruel to animals 

the hell is wrong with people man SMH

just because its a dog doesn't mean it cant feel pain.

if i saw somebody do something like this id toss some gasoline on them and light a match. see how they like it.

humans can do some really $%*$$+ up things. SMH.
Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Yes its wrong, but I dont understand people who get shook up over it. Like I watch these videos and think "Damb thats messed up... oh well."

Please enlighten me on how this can actually impact your life for more than the 2 minutes or so you spend watching the videos.

You ever own a dog bro? Stuff like this hits home hard.
five of em
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Honestly I heard about it last night, my curiosity got the best of me and found the video. As soon as they pour the gas I X is out. And the dog still lived from what I heard. And the video is 1 yr old the person is caught.


I hope this dog finds a good home if its true
I never understood why people post dumb #%@@ like this on NT. Ok, a puppy was burned alive, what the hell do u want us to do? You actually want me, as a puppy owner & lover, to watch this traumatizing vid? Keep this #%@@ to yourself & don't post it on here. Lock this up, mods.
Maybe its ccuz I'm a young black dude that never owned a dog...

But it just doesn't bother me like that...

I be like "awwww fambs ... that's some hoa a%& s____..."

Then go about my day...

Its just a dog, doe ...
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

This one and the one where the dudes throw the dog off the roof of a building in some other country make me sick. I'd probably legit try to kill them if I was there
Originally Posted by NobleKane

first off why the !$#% would you watch that *%%%? if a video has anything about death and torture in a video i sure as hell aint pressing that play button. thats your own fault if you cant sleep.
report the %*$ hole but dont go watching something you know is wrong. thats just dumb.

never understood why people view *%%% like torture, someone dying, or getting killed. makes no sense. get no joy out of that *%%% so why bother?
I have no problem watching it because it's educational.  I see first hand how an animal reacts when it's being burned alive. I can view the personality and how evil one can be to do this.  Plus why be ignorant to what human beings are doing on a daily basis?   It's not that I enjoy watching it but the more I watch the more I learn plus my brain is also being desentized of these violent acts.  

Like people that can eat burgers, ribs and steaks but can't watch a cow being slaughtered.  Watch a cow or a pig get slaughtered then maybe you'll know first hand what it took for you to enjoy that steak of yours.

Or people that spend $5,000 on a pure bred dog but can't watch a puppy being euthanized at a shelter.  Maybe if you saw first hand how many dogs/cats are killed on a daily basis, you would think twice about spending that much $$ on ONE dog!  

Sure it's not a joy to watch violent acts, but open your eyes people.. stop living in this sheltered bubble and realize #!$# like this is happening regardless. 
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