Did Dirtylicious Become Too big for NT?

back in the day, i sent him a set of bootleg star wars DVDs copied off the OG laser discs :lol:
i remember him talking about getting an SUV when his wife was about to give birth. that kid must be pretty big by now. i would think his priorities changed.
I remember his posts having a lot of conservative undertones to them. Wonder if that put a strain on his relationship with Meth.

I specifically remember a thread about this video:

Someone posted that it was learned that the woman in question has bipolar disorder and Dirty posted something along the lines of "bipolar or not, she should know better than to act like that." I kind of wrote him off after making such a dumb comment.
Thought he left cuz of his family and simply didnt have as much time.

News to me he's a possible racist or was conservative. Granted I didn't frequent a many thread Dirty was active in.
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Isn’t Dirty Asian ?

Never heard anything about him being conservative or racist like JRose... who knows though.
Dude was def racist and a little peon too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him post anything positive. Only the best people with NT admins. Word to JroseKKK
He got married and worked in medicine IIRC. Don't have time to sit around on the Internet.
hmmmm seems to be a pattern
of mods and racist tendencies
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
There is no doubt that a few of these harbor a personal interest in more than a few of the threads. They allow leeway for several of these so called members, those who share some very questionable beliefs.
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