Did what Shaq said last night change your perception of the NBA's regular season?

I think the big deal everyone's missing is that other GMs specifically went out of their way to ask shaq to "throw" a game...everything else you guys have said about "resting" or "coasting" is fine but there's gotta be a line when other GMs blatantly ask you to tank, that has to be some kind of tampering. I mean I'm not surprised they would, as a gag...but could you imagine the slippery slope there? What if a GM added a benefit of some sort?
Since shaq has been on there i realize that he has spoke his mind and its nothing wrong about that but i also think he has some anger going on at the same time in a way cause he is pretty much making a tell all story on TNT right now to fit in with the guys...Thats just me but at the same time charles has to be like shut up shaq your not suppose to say that. lastly we all know that coaches asked guys to sit out I'm sure thats the deal with kobe and d rose right now even though they are inj
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I see this happening in the last game of the season when the Clippers play the Knicks. If it comes down to the Clippers having to lose to the Knicks for Memphis to get the 4th seed, Melo/JR are going to help out CP3/Kmart. I wouldn't be shocked.
Seen you post this before. You crazy. We trying to get that 6th seed. If anything CP3 and the Clips are gonna lay down for us. The nerve to think our players would help them out when us losing means we have to face MIA in the 1st round. @@#% outta here.

Clips losing to the Grizz in the 1st round either way imo.
The only way I can see a professional athlete "take a night off" is if the coach sits them down for the night or extended periods of time.

I can't picture anyone who jus' passes the ball all night or jus' doesn't get open. How the hell do you "take a night off" exactly??
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

The only way I can see a professional athlete "take a night off" is if the coach sits them down for the night or extended periods of time.

I can't picture anyone who jus' passes the ball all night or jus' doesn't get open. How the hell do you "take a night off" exactly??
You're not serious, are you?
Not trying on defense, not boxing out, not aggressively going after rebounds, not cutting to the basket, not setting good screens, rushing shots, fouling your opponent too often, literally think of anything positive you can do on the basketball court.. then imagine the player tries half as hard or doesn't care. Just because they're professional athletes, doesn't mean they give 100% every game, especially if their team is awful, out of the playoffs race, and they're just collecting a paycheck.
Yea this has been pretty well known... Can't say Im surprised.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

The only way I can see a professional athlete "take a night off" is if the coach sits them down for the night or extended periods of time.

I can't picture anyone who jus' passes the ball all night or jus' doesn't get open. How the hell do you "take a night off" exactly??
You're not serious, are you?
Not trying on defense, not boxing out, not aggressively going after rebounds, not cutting to the basket, not setting good screens, rushing shots, fouling your opponent too often, literally think of anything positive you can do on the basketball court.. then imagine the player tries half as hard or doesn't care. Just because they're professional athletes, doesn't mean they give 100% every game, especially if their team is awful, out of the playoffs race, and they're just collecting a paycheck.
dont pay him any mind, he doesnt think before posting.
Originally Posted by hawkflight6

Doesn't change my perception at all, it would be impossible for guys to go hard for all 82 games

Then why play 82 games? They're essentially admitting that the only reason they have that many games is to make as much money as possible. I would take a league that had less regular season games with a greater sense of competitiveness in each game, but the league would never do that because they'd make less money.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

No, it doesn't change my view. That's a given, you can't go hard 82 games and expect to go another 22+ in the playoffs and win a 'chip. You'll burn out by the start of the postseason, ask the '07 Mavericks.
96 Bulls
[table][tr][td]1[/td] [td]Michael Jordan[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]3090[/td] [td]916[/td] [td]1850[/td] [td].495[/td] [td]111[/td] [td]260[/td] [td].427[/td] [td]548[/td] [td]657[/td] [td].834[/td] [td]148[/td] [td]395[/td] [td]543[/td] [td]352[/td] [td]180[/td] [td]42[/td] [td]197[/td] [td]195[/td] [td]2491[/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]Scottie Pippen[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]77[/td] [td]77[/td] [td]2825[/td] [td]563[/td] [td]1216[/td] [td].463[/td] [td]150[/td] [td]401[/td] [td].374[/td] [td]220[/td] [td]324[/td] [td].679[/td] [td]152[/td] [td]344[/td] [td]496[/td] [td]452[/td] [td]133[/td] [td]57[/td] [td]207[/td] [td]198[/td] [td]1496[/td][/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]Toni Kukoc[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]81[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]2103[/td] [td]386[/td] [td]787[/td] [td].490[/td] [td]87[/td] [td]216[/td] [td].403[/td] [td]206[/td] [td]267[/td] [td].772[/td] [td]115[/td] [td]208[/td] [td]323[/td] [td]287[/td] [td]64[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]114[/td] [td]150[/td] [td]1065[/td][/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]Steve Kerr[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1919[/td] [td]244[/td] [td]482[/td] [td].506[/td] [td]122[/td] [td]237[/td] [td].515[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]84[/td] [td].929[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]85[/td] [td]110[/td] [td]192[/td] [td]63[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]42[/td] [td]109[/td] [td]688[/td][/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]Ron Harper[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]1886[/td] [td]234[/td] [td]501[/td] [td].467[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]104[/td] [td].269[/td] [td]98[/td] [td]139[/td] [td].705[/td] [td]74[/td] [td]139[/td] [td]213[/td] [td]208[/td] [td]105[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]73[/td] [td]137[/td] [td]594[/td][/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]Luc Longley[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]62[/td] [td]62[/td] [td]1641[/td] [td]242[/td] [td]502[/td] [td].482[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]103[/td] [td].777[/td] [td]104[/td] [td]214[/td] [td]318[/td] [td]119[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]84[/td] [td]114[/td] [td]223[/td] [td]564[/td][/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]Bill Wennington[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]1065[/td] [td]169[/td] [td]343[/td] [td].493[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1.000[/td] [td]37[/td] [td]43[/td] [td].860[/td] [td]58[/td] [td]116[/td] [td]174[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]21[/td] [td]16[/td] [td]37[/td] [td]171[/td] [td]376[/td][/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]Dennis Rodman[/td] [td]34[/td] [td]64[/td] [td]57[/td] [td]2088[/td] [td]146[/td] [td]304[/td] [td].480[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]27[/td] [td].111[/td] [td]56[/td] [td]106[/td] [td].528[/td] [td]356[/td] [td]596[/td] [td]952[/td] [td]160[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]138[/td] [td]196[/td] [td]351[/td][/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]Jud Buechler[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]74[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]740[/td] [td]112[/td] [td]242[/td] [td].463[/td] [td]40[/td] [td]90[/td] [td].444[/td] [td]14[/td] [td]22[/td] [td].636[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]66[/td] [td]111[/td] [td]56[/td] [td]34[/td] [td]7[/td] [td]39[/td] [td]70[/td] [td]278[/td][/tr][/table]
97 Bulls
[table][tr][td]1[/td] [td]Michael Jordan[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]3106[/td] [td]920[/td] [td]1892[/td] [td].486[/td] [td]111[/td] [td]297[/td] [td].374[/td] [td]480[/td] [td]576[/td] [td].833[/td] [td]113[/td] [td]369[/td] [td]482[/td] [td]352[/td] [td]140[/td] [td]44[/td] [td]166[/td] [td]156[/td] [td]2431[/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]Scottie Pippen[/td] [td]31[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]3095[/td] [td]648[/td] [td]1366[/td] [td].474[/td] [td]156[/td] [td]424[/td] [td].368[/td] [td]204[/td] [td]291[/td] [td].701[/td] [td]160[/td] [td]371[/td] [td]531[/td] [td]467[/td] [td]154[/td] [td]45[/td] [td]214[/td] [td]213[/td] [td]1656[/td][/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]Toni Kukoc[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]57[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]1610[/td] [td]285[/td] [td]605[/td] [td].471[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]151[/td] [td].331[/td] [td]134[/td] [td]174[/td] [td].770[/td] [td]94[/td] [td]167[/td] [td]261[/td] [td]256[/td] [td]60[/td] [td]29[/td] [td]91[/td] [td]97[/td] [td]754[/td][/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]Steve Kerr[/td] [td]31[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1861[/td] [td]249[/td] [td]467[/td] [td].533[/td] [td]110[/td] [td]237[/td] [td].464[/td] [td]54[/td] [td]67[/td] [td].806[/td] [td]29[/td] [td]101[/td] [td]130[/td] [td]175[/td] [td]67[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]43[/td] [td]98[/td] [td]662[/td][/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]Jason Caffey[/td] [td]23[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]1405[/td] [td]205[/td] [td]385[/td] [td].532[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1[/td] [td].000[/td] [td]139[/td] [td]211[/td] [td].659[/td] [td]135[/td] [td]166[/td] [td]301[/td] [td]89[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]97[/td] [td]149[/td] [td]549[/td][/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]Luc Longley[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]59[/td] [td]59[/td] [td]1472[/td] [td]221[/td] [td]485[/td] [td].456[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]2[/td] [td].000[/td] [td]95[/td] [td]120[/td] [td].792[/td] [td]121[/td] [td]211[/td] [td]332[/td] [td]141[/td] [td]23[/td] [td]66[/td] [td]111[/td] [td]191[/td] [td]537[/td][/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]Ron Harper[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]76[/td] [td]74[/td] [td]1740[/td] [td]177[/td] [td]406[/td] [td].436[/td] [td]68[/td] [td]188[/td] [td].362[/td] [td]58[/td] [td]82[/td] [td].707[/td] [td]46[/td] [td]147[/td] [td]193[/td] [td]191[/td] [td]86[/td] [td]38[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]138[/td] [td]480[/td][/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]Randy Brown[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]1057[/td] [td]140[/td] [td]333[/td] [td].420[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]22[/td] [td].182[/td] [td]57[/td] [td]84[/td] [td].679[/td] [td]34[/td] [td]77[/td] [td]111[/td] [td]133[/td] [td]81[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]58[/td] [td]116[/td] [td]341[/td][/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]Dennis Rodman[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]55[/td] [td]54[/td] [td]1947[/td] [td]128[/td] [td]286[/td] [td].448[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]19[/td] [td].263[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]88[/td] [td].568[/td] [td]320[/td] [td]563[/td] [td]883[/td] [td]170[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]111[/td] [td]172[/td] [td]311[/td][/tr][/table]
These teams won 72 and 69 games respectively, with their superstar playing in EVERY game...........Just because the game has been severly watered down with fragile, prima donna crybaby's doesnt mean that it should or has been the status quo,to "tank" games at the end,  and yea what Shaq told me was that his organization did not have enough confidence in their team to take on Stockton/Malone in the first round, real weak.................Champions take on all comers............
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I see this happening in the last game of the season when the Clippers play the Knicks. If it comes down to the Clippers having to lose to the Knicks for Memphis to get the 4th seed, Melo/JR are going to help out CP3/Kmart. I wouldn't be shocked.
Originally Posted by ryanbbn23

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

The only way I can see a professional athlete "take a night off" is if the coach sits them down for the night or extended periods of time.

I can't picture anyone who jus' passes the ball all night or jus' doesn't get open. How the hell do you "take a night off" exactly??
You're not serious, are you?
Not trying on defense, not boxing out, not aggressively going after rebounds, not cutting to the basket, not setting good screens, rushing shots, fouling your opponent too often, literally think of anything positive you can do on the basketball court.. then imagine the player tries half as hard or doesn't care. Just because they're professional athletes, doesn't mean they give 100% every game, especially if their team is awful, out of the playoffs race, and they're just collecting a paycheck.
dont pay him any mind, he doesnt think before posting.

 I was being dead serious. Like really think about it, who wants to get embarrassed on the defensive end? Doesn't everyone wanna do well and drop buckets!?

Even though @BigJ explained it, I still don't see why you wouldn't wanna play well. Paycheck or not.
That's how it's been for a while. The regular season has been weak for a LONG time. I honestly think with in recent years that's been kind of changing though. 
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

It's apparent but never publicly acknowledged like it has been in recent years. There are fans who buy into the regular season results wholeheartedly only to be shocked when the playoffs come around. I just wanted to know if this public acknowledgement from one of the greatest players of all time opens anyones eyes as to whats really going on sometimes behind the scenes.

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

He said that he was asked to "take nights off" by GM's throughout his career to effect playoff standings amongst other things. 
I believe that if it's happened with him it's probably happened with a lot of major stars in the league. And I kind of felt like maybe this was something that he wasn't supposed to say. How are we supposed to take regular season results seriously with information like this floating out there?

i think this is the bigger issue then guys coasting late in the season. its one thing to ask your own player, but other GMs? nah. plus what if there is some kind of incentive? tampering?!
Originally Posted by ninjahood

it just makes me respect 72-10 that much more.
Respect isn't exactly the word I'd use. More like realizing it's never going to happen again, and for a very good reason.

Steve Kerr said something awhile back about why it will never be duplicated (paraphrased): Every team mails in the second game of back-to-backs, from time to time. That's an extra four or five losses per season for a top team, easily. It can knock you from 65 wins to 60, or even 68 down to 63. The difference with the 1996 Bulls was that Jordan wouldn't allow it. He went hard every game because he wanted to win EVERY game. Jordan alone was responsible for those extra four or five wins that season.

The 1986 Celtics are the prime example of this. They won only 67 games, but it's because they got bored and didn't care. They were practically unbeatable at home and they knew it (one loss all season, including playoffs), and mailed in a bunch of losses to mediocre and bad teams throughout the season. That team could have won 70+ easily if they wanted to. They only cared about the playoffs, whereas Jordan cared about everything.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

This is or should have been common knowledge. 
This. IDK why people are speaking out like they're appalled like this isn't something that has gone on for the longest. Teams are trying to win who cares about public perception
Originally Posted by frink85

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

He said that he was asked to "take nights off" by GM's throughout his career to effect playoff standings amongst other things. 
I believe that if it's happened with him it's probably happened with a lot of major stars in the league. And I kind of felt like maybe this was something that he wasn't supposed to say. How are we supposed to take regular season results seriously with information like this floating out there?
i think this is the bigger issue then guys coasting late in the season. its one thing to ask your own player, but other GMs? nah. plus what if there is some kind of incentive? tampering?!
You misunderstood. It's not GMs from other teams asking him. He's talking about the various GMs he played under on different teams.

@ the thought of the Spurs GM going to Shaq and asking him to take a few games off near the end of the season.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by frink85

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

He said that he was asked to "take nights off" by GM's throughout his career to effect playoff standings amongst other things. 
I believe that if it's happened with him it's probably happened with a lot of major stars in the league. And I kind of felt like maybe this was something that he wasn't supposed to say. How are we supposed to take regular season results seriously with information like this floating out there?
i think this is the bigger issue then guys coasting late in the season. its one thing to ask your own player, but other GMs? nah. plus what if there is some kind of incentive? tampering?!
You misunderstood. It's not GMs from other teams asking him. He's talking about the various GMs he played under on different teams.

@ the thought of the Spurs GM going to Shaq and asking him to take a few games off near the end of the season.
no wonder its not a bigger issue/story...

SMH at me.
Folks act like mike didn't gamble on hisself back in the day.Im guessing y'all don't know why he retired in the first place
Originally Posted by DubA169

Okay I'm gonna go the other way and say its messed up. People spend alot of money on season tickets and the nba should improve their product. Or give out a schedule so ticket holders can know when to stay home

There are many ways to place more importance on the regular season. Imagine if only top 4 teams in the conference get into the playoffs? Every regular season game would be HUGE

Just one more reason the nba got no business being in the same sentence as nfl. In the nfl every game is an event

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