Diddy arrested for assaulting UCLA football coach with kettleball

Even if his son isn't good enough to see the field. Diddy just made the rest of his college experience a living hell. lol.
man i dont even know why he plays if hes no good and never sees the field.  being young, rich, and in la for my college years would be more than enough for me 

The incident began early Monday morning when Justin Combs, Diddy’s son, was participating in an off-season workout on UCLA’s field. According to sources, Combs, who will be a redshirt junior defensive back this fall, had missed some recent workouts and wasn’t giving a great effort Monday morning, so UCLA strength and conditioning coach Sal Alosi kicked him out of the session.

At approximately noon, Combs and Diddy came to UCLA’s athletic facility, the Acosta Center, while Alosi was in his office, which is adjacent to the weight room. Combs entered Alosi’s office while Alosi was on the phone, and Alosi asked Combs to wait a moment while he finished the call. Many sources who were in the locker room witnessed an angered Diddy enter Alosi’s office, rattling off expletives at the coach. Alosi then instructed interns who were immediately outside his office to alert campus security. A still incensed Diddy then came around Alosi’s desk, saying that he would get campus security on Alosi’s desk phone. Alosi, then, according to witnesses, put up his hand in a non-threatening way, and instructed Combs to get his father out of the office. Diddy then walked into Alosi’s hand, and told Alosi not to put his hands on him.

In the next moment, according to many on the scene, Diddy attacked Alosi, until interns and other personnel pulled off Diddy. The celebrity broke free again at one point and struck Alosi. The personnel were then successful in getting Diddy out of the office and into the weight room, where Diddy picked up a kettlebell, which is a type of barbell, and then swung it at one of the interns.

He's a 5'7" corner in an era when a short receiver is 5'10"

He's made four tackles in three years.

Do you have to ask if he's any good? At least not on a football subdivision level.

Maybe if he was D2.
Is Justin Combs Puffy's kid? They look nothing alike.

He looks like his mom.

View media item 1595504

In the middle back in the "Juicy" days.

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being a former ucla athlete... gotta say the weight coaches offices overlook the weighroom and the angles add up to where whereever you are standing, you can see everything. so if someone wanted to get a good vid they could (they say theres a vid out there). the cubbies are adjacent to the coaching ofices so we used to stand there and kick it.
getting up at 5 am doing two a days and basically comitting your life to play on the scout team while the coaches rip u a new one?  what is fun about that?

Great shape? Nothing else to do? Just likes it? I mean the list goes on. The boy is rich. Nothing material excites him. He's in it for the experience
Justin Combs has recorded 4 tackles in his 3 years with the program. :lol:

Puff, brah, maybe Justin needs something on his back
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getting up at 5 am doing two a days and basically comitting your life to play on the scout team while the coaches rip u a new one?  what is fun about that?

Maybe he loves the sport that much. Your average dude might go to a D2 or D3 school if they promised playing time and he had aspirations to do it professionally. If he doesn't play after college he isn't missing anything, his life is set.
Wasn't it cause the strength coach was saying ish along the lines like " daddy ain't here to save you". And he was riding him cause he was diddys boy. But wouldn't do the same to all the other DBs.
Any coach is gonna pick something out and ride you on it to push you. The kid is soft and sucks at football. I saw it for myself and you can watch it for yourself on youtube.
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