Dilemna about college

go to where you can play. you will regret going to big school u. if all you can do is cheer on people that you're better than.
i played my first year at a 2 year college and got upgraded to a university =] i suggest that route. if you're a freshman you'll be taking gen-edeither way.
if you can get a scholarship at one of the other schools try that route. debt after college = not gangsta. HU for one has a nice alumni network, they alwayslook out for each other.
Go to Miami-great academics, great alumni network, school spirit, athletics (just watch like everyone else) join an intramural league if u wanna play sportsthat badly.

I agree you should cross out fullerton and fresno state. If those smaller schools were as academicalyl strong as the big school i would say go there. Otherfactors to consider=MONEY and financial aid. But all things equal I would go to The U.....FSU and St Johns a close second.
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