Dipping your pen in company ink: Yay or nay?

If u both are peers and/or associates and not in the power position, "yay"
But If u are more than a company associate and have any type of title or managerial position with something to lose, I say "Nay"
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

illphillip wrote:

Bound to happen.

Not at all awkward if you both know what it is......

but thats the problem,
when the subordinate doesnt and cant seperate the "episode" from the employment.
as Men, we already know 85% of females cant just give out the bidness without makin it more than it is, even when [Marlo]you want it to be one way, [/Marlo] they think its the other ...
When I first got my position in my company, I was doin my thang. At one point I had to let go of a chick I was messin with and the situation almost kicked me in the @#!. I was young minded about these situations before
Chalked that up to lesson learned cus My Income isnt worth Losin over some perceived "impropriety" with the opposite sex

Not a problem for me. Once was with a temp receptionist who was gone. The 2nd was with an older woman in the Travel dept. And she knew WHAT IT WAS.

I find it amusing that everyone is gassed on the metaphor. It's a VERY common one in business. Which leads me to believe a lot of the people commentingdon't even work.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Have you ever done it?

Was it awkward seeing them at work the following day?

Did a relationship develop or did ya'll just keep it casual?

Would you consider doing it if you haven't done it?
1. yep
2. nope, felt great actually
3. quickly developed into a relationship of two years. we just broke up, so i'll let you know how this goes.
4. probably not
Originally Posted by r0yalty

I see someone had a little meating with the boss
I've done it successfully a few times. You have to set ground rules before hand.

-No contact during work if its not business related
-No one else at the job is to know
-Its strictly a lay, no chance for a relationship.

Its easier to get down with someone under you, I was a supervisor so it was all good.
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by eight2one

yeah i done it a couple times......

I would advise against it, but I cant turn down (())......
it's hard to say no. but %**+ always becomes awkward. especially if the chick catches feelings. asking you if you want to go to lunch, hang out, catch a movie. etc

not fun to deal with the aftermath
Again, it all depends on the female. If they catch feelings it is all bad. The chick I messed with knew when to keep her mouth shut and when to open it.

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