Discontinued Food Products You Would Like To See Return

loolll surge.. lol.. memories.

hmm the fruity rice krispies @@#%... the purple box one.
A lot of great products here. Crispy M&Ms and Gatorade gum were so good.

Anyone remember Citra soda? I pretty much lived off that stuff 6th and 7th grade.
Originally Posted by J23Diego

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

marionthebarberian wrote:

you see the logo on the top left?

that's the mexican-divison of frio-lay

ALL their chips are ON POINT

regular nacho cheese doritos in mexico have like hint of jalapeno....

Ya'll should try these, they're almost the same. Yes all their chips are on point
(these are from them)


I just finished a bag of these lol...but they still cannot compare to the doritos ones, even though they both sabritas.

First thing i thought of. I was never a fan of M&Ms...but those were tight tight.


Used to cop 2 every morning in JHS
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

J23Diego wrote:

eNPHAN wrote:

marionthebarberian wrote:

you see the logo on the top left?

that's the mexican-divison of frio-lay

ALL their chips are ON POINT

regular nacho cheese doritos in mexico have like hint of jalapeno....

Ya'll should try these, they're almost the same. Yes all their chips are on point
(these are from them)


I just finished a bag of these lol...but they still cannot compare to the doritos ones, even though they both sabritas.

That's why I said Almost the Same, Yes those Doritos were the best
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