Dissidia vol. Final Fantasy Heads & Nerds rejoice


Apr 5, 2008
Now im pretty sure a couple of you already know about this game and the fact that release date is approaching
However amazon.com has the game for a discounted price and on top of that if you enter SAVE5DIS in the promotion code box at checkout you canrecieve an additional 5 dollars off of your order.
Just wanted to spread the wealth.

BTW is there a FF Team on here?
I passed on all those teams that popped up recently, but an FF team would be tempting.

Good looks on the discount.

Also, the demo for Dissidia is up on the PS Store.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

I passed on all those teams that popped up recently, but an FF team would be tempting.

Good looks on the discount.

Also, the demo for Dissidia is up on the PS Store.

Why not? We can start it off, I got dibs on Cloud

I won't front now because of this game, I kinda want to play all the old games; I only beat 7 to be honest and played a little of 8 and 9.
Its a shame the game has no Infrastucture support, that could have been epic.
I was so hyped about this game when i first heard about it, now not so much. I cant even remember the last PSP game i bought
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I was so hyped about this game when i first heard about it, now not so much. I cant even remember the last PSP game i bought

I can't front the PSP has been somewhat of a letdown, especially considering what is possible with the hardware as opposed to what Sony chooses to do withit.
But it's still an ill system and I enjoy it, I just wish developers actually sat down and took advantage of the hadware.
There are certain games(like this one) that should have infrastructure and other features automatically IMO but I digress.
Based off the demo alone I went from having no interest at all to preordering the game, It plays, feels and looks that good.
I'm down with an FF team.. you beasts are going to grab Cloud.. I'll probably cop someone from FF Tactics anyway.
Well here's the thing I didn't know
Meth shutdown all the Team Threads so starting one wouldn't be wise on our part.
I guess where gonna have to do it via PM
Pick your character, make your sig, avatar, u know, the usual
Does any1 know how to add fonts to yuku if its possible?
With the little I did play of FF8 Zell was one of the characters that did stand out, so not a bad choice.
now I kinda want to make this an official thread
but chances are it will be shutdown
so as long as it stays like this it should be cool
spread the word
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