District Fresh Series

Sep 2, 2005
District Fresh, is an idea that I have been thinking about for the past year... pretty much get with local music folks, boutiques, designers and produce miniinterviews in hopes that people will like my work.. and start to task me with jobs with budgets... but here is my concept..

My first interview was with a local company called Dopeville.

District Fresh Series - Dopeville Clothing from ABB VIDEO on Vimeo.

ABB Video is producing a short documentary entitled District Fresh on fashion in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. From the block to the runway, District Fresh will explore local fashion through the lens of those most involved in the creative process-merchants and urban idols. In District Fresh, ABB Videowill take viewers on a tour of the most exclusive boutiques and shops in the metro area, interviewing respected shop owners and breakout musicians who captivate audiences with their prose and cutting edge style.

ABB Videois producing a mini reality docu on fashion in the metro area to dispel myths that locals only think within the box. In addition, ABB Videowill highlight how creativity in the closet influences one's state of mind, inspiring creativity in music, dance and other performance arts.

The District Freshdocumentary is intended to strike a cord with people who view clothes not as material trappings but as a testament to their life story. Like hip hop music, fashion tells an existentialist's tale of hope and struggle.
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