***Disturing dreams. Vol ayoooooooooooooooooo......***

WOW!!! OP I had a similar dream this morning also. So vivid I couldn't get it out of my head. Let me tell it.

So it starts out at my childhood home where I grew up mostly at (alot of my dreams about aliens start there). Im in my room looking out my window and my dad comes in and says hes about to grill out in the backyard. I get all excited and I look out my bedroom window again and I see a backyard that Ive never seen before except it was my backyard. My mom walks into the room and sees what I see and decides we go check it out. I see these nice gardens and waterfalls and there multiple grills cooking food that my dad started. It seemed like we were about to have a big party or something.

After me and my mom are done exploring, we decide to go back in the house to watch some tv til the food is ready. Once again, we now walk into a house that doesn't look like ours but it is ours all of a sudden. So we are now chilling in the living room tryna watch some tv and there is this loud noise that I hear coming from somewhere in the room. I walk around the corner and there is another tv on with 2 other ladys sitting on a couch infront of it laughing with each other. I then turn my head to the side of the extended room and P. Diddy is sitting in a corner by himself on his cellphone.

Ok im like what the....is he doing here?!.. and I approach this mini fridge that's right next to him and proceed to get some beverages out of it. I shake his hand and he says something to me but I cant make it out. I try to ask him what hes saying but my mouth is suddenly full of food. He keeps repeating what he said by I still cant understand it. I finally just gave up and went back into the living room and there's the party I was thinking we were preparing for. Ive got family all over the house and having fun. Diddy is still just sitting in the corner by his self on his cellphone.

My family finally discovers that Diddy is in our house and all attention is basically to him now. One of my cousins likes to sing and he starts singing to get his attention thinking he would get signed to badboy or something lol. My peeps continue to party and laugh. All of a sudden Diddy comes out of the corner. Hes dressed in a all white suite clean sorta like what John Laurinaitis was wearing at wrestlemania 28. This dude strips his clothes off. Has this ayo biker suit on like they wear in the ayo biker clubs except this one is more revealing. Hes shaking his backside and you can see his ashy crack. Then I woke up. Thank God.

With that being said, I had a dream that involved Derek Jeter last night. It's not ayo tho.

-Went to a Yankee game, saw Jeter after
-Asked him if I could roll with him after he retires and he could help me get women just by being around him
-Woke up like @$%?
LMAO on the inside (I'm in class)

Am I the only one who has experienced this...

You smashin' a chick then the chick face turns into a dude?
There was one set of nightmares that really %!@%+@ with my head. I've never been the same since then. I've always been afraid to die or that others around me would die. I can't remember much now but I guess it happened over the course of 3 dreams or something.

The first time I woke up and my entire room was red, tinted red, like the links here in NT. I woke up sweating and breathing pretty hard.

The second time, as stupid as it may seem, Jupiter had somehow jumped over the meteore belt and was about to collide with earth. I was with my mom at the time and she was putting on her make up and getting ready to go out. It was like everyone was ignoring the fact that Jupiter was about to hit us. The wind started picking up and Jupiter was pretty close, but not that close because I could see Jupiter in it's entirety (meaning it was pretty far still seeing how big Jupiter was) and then it just started coming closer and closer and I woke up right before it hit.

The third time I was fully awake (at least I thought I was I'm not really sure) and I was so afraid because I wanted to scream for help but I couldn't open my mouth and I felt like I was dying and suffocating and then I guess I woke up .. but while I was asleep I could see everything so clearly like if I was awake. Well anyways, when I woke up I didn't scream or ask for help. I was just breathing heavily and I was so scared.

I don't know what those dreams meant but I don't want to know. I don't believe that dreams mean anything more than the things we fear in life. The things that we don't want to face while were awake. While were awake it becomes real.
the most recent nightmare I've had was when me and my older sister from cali was riding the MATA bus since she's never rode it before and all of a sudden a huge light ray comes out of the sky over the mall we was heading to.Then more light rays start coming out around it and they start moving evaporating anything they touch n %%%%. Suddenly a black hole opens up in the sky over the mall instead of the huge light ray thats when I started breathing hard in real life and just as we was about to see what was coming out of the hole my mom had woke me up to drop her off at work. She said I was breathing extremely hard. I might was breathing hard cause I want some %%%% like that to happen like some aliens coming to earth and going ham on everything.
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