DMP XI's VS. Retro XI's (2000 - 2001) question

Dec 9, 2006
I was wondering if anybody knew if there was a difference in quality and/or feel between the DMP XI's and the retro XI's. I have a pair of retro Bredsand i loved the comfort so i want to buy another pair (either the retros or DMP were in mind). Im not sure if i saw someone say that they were about the sameor not, so I created this post. Thanks in advance, and any facts and/or opinions will be appreciated. If this needs to be moved please do so.
I have only tried on my DMP XI, but I can tell you that it feels a bit lighter than the 00 retro concord. The concord = black/red 01 black/red in terms of feeland quality. There was really no major difference, however many people will say the quality of the DMP was nowhere near that of the 01. I would most likleyagree, since by just trying them on I could tell they were made with slightly lighter materials.
there are several differences. the patent leather is diff. the dmp's aren't real patent leather the upper part of the shoe is also made of diifmaterial. shape is just slightly off.
to me they feel kinda diff. i preffer the retro concord then the dmp 11s
^^^^^^^^Not even close. Fake XIs have better quality than the cdp XI, no exaggeration.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

^^^^^^^^Not even close. Fake XIs have better quality than the cdp XI, no exaggeration.

ha ha ha ha ha ha great joke right?
cause Im about to go pay 430 for the pack in store today
You guys need to be comparing them to the OG's. The originals were way different (better) than even the 00-01 retros. It really is a shame that you can seethe quality of JB products just deteriorate over the years.
The DMP XI was significantly close to the 2000 retro. But as someone else stated, the DMP did not have real patent leather.

If you still have a DS pair of 00' XI, smell the patent leather....literally smell it. And then smell the DMP patent'll notice thedifference.

The shape is slightly, slightly off.

But overall, 2000 Retro Concord XI > DMP XI.
Thanks guys, but im also thinking about playing in them too (possibly... not much). I know shoes become naturally unplayable over the years so that kind of isanother area i wanted to know about. My Breds have become really soft ( too soft to play in). Im hoping it would be safe to break in a DS pair of Concords.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

^^^^^^^^Not even close. Fake XIs have better quality than the cdp XI, no exaggeration.

ha ha ha ha ha ha great joke right?
cause Im about to go pay 430 for the pack in store today
Hes not joking
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

^^^^^^^^Not even close. Fake XIs have better quality than the cdp XI, no exaggeration.

ha ha ha ha ha ha great joke right?
cause Im about to go pay 430 for the pack in store today
Funny thing is I got swindled on an ebay purchase and therefore I own a pair of fake space jams. Since then, I've copped a legit pair, andthere are definitely differences, but the fakes that I have might actually be better than the CDP XI's. I'll try to post pics. Gotta get an SD card forthe new digicam. I plan on dissecting the fake ones to really detail a fake XI. Aught to be interesting!
You guys need to be comparing them to the OG's. The originals were way different (better) than even the 00-01 retros. It really is a shame that you can see the quality of JB products just deteriorate over the years.
truth. the releases over the past 3-4 years dont even stack to the earlier retroes, nevermind the OGs which were even better. but the earlierretroes were up to par with quality materials and construction.
the quality of the dmp and the 01 retro is about the same. either one will be good to have. however, the cdp is so stiff and not comfort at all.
the cdp XI is my first XI, and the uppers are alot stiffer than i had imagined they would be...are all Xi's like this or is it the changing materialfactor?
Originally Posted by RRthaKing23

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

^^^^^^^^Not even close. Fake XIs have better quality than the cdp XI, no exaggeration.

ha ha ha ha ha ha great joke right?
cause Im about to go pay 430 for the pack in store today
Hes not joking
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