Do anyone here feel like their life is at a standstill?

I've been reading over some of the recent posts in this thread.

Certain things can take less or more time for certain people to figure it out. You need to keep moving no matter what your circumstance is. World is always changing, and you can't just stop and hope things will become better by not making moves.

There's only so much preparation you can put in to be the right man/woman for a job, but ultimately you have to sell yourself as hard as possible to get what you really want. That's what it comes down to.

When I'm on the grind, I just think about a man in my situation whom I don't know personally but has to work harder than me and has 10 more problems I don't have: kids, money, housing, insurance, rent, car notes, etc. Keeps me humble and makes me motivated to go out there and do my fair share of work so that at the end of the day I can look back and say, "Yes, I did everything I could possibly do today to make me a bit more successful."

Ray Lewis once said, effort is between you and you. Nobody else will give you effort.

Gonna grind as hard as I can this week. Set realistic goals and accomplish them!
Been working over time this past two weeks straight

My knees been aching Gona get that together but the check is worth it .gonna try to put together another gig after this ones over so I can continue saving (I want that Impala bad dammit :lol:) and so I can pay off my medical bill without going broke in the process .

It can be done fol
working a job i hate just to pay the bills i went to school for...

its funny though, paying my loans back IS my main motivator at this point, not sure if thats good or bad...ahh well I've wiped out almost 90% of what was almost a six figure debt in a little over 4 years, so at least i got that going for me :lol: :\  

How'd you do that?
How'd you do that?
thanks....stayed with my pops for a few years after grad, and LOTS of OT, and when i did move out, i lived CHEAP as hell (still do 

also got somewhat lucky...i invested a good amount of my savings and caught the market at the right time (30% roi within a year and a half), which i noticed and used to pay off one of the loans...also used tax returns and work bonuses over the last few years to eat away some significant chunks, too
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I was in a similar situation as you Op. I was somewhat depressed and mad with God and the world. A few years ago, I applied for internships and couldn't get a call back. My problem wasn't with money or anything, but more so wanting to get a head start in my career path. I redid my resume last year with the same content, just moved **** around and got a ton of calls and interviews. I went on a number of interviews and every single one of them wanted to take me in as a intern. I weighed my options and went with the one that offered long term tenure. I'm currently in school and interning at the same place grinding. My boss spoke with me 2 weeks ago and informed me that once I was finished with school, they would like to hire me and give me a promotion. That sounds like good news, but I'm not gonna allow that to get me complacent. I'm still here checking out other opportunities. Like many have said before, don't watch what others are doing and compare yourself to people because on the outside it looks like they just walked an easy straight path, when in reality you don't see the struggle. Your best bet is to stay humble as well as continue to be hungry and grind.
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