Do cops really have a quota?

I guess this is unlikely, but what if you're in a place that just doesn't have a lot of speeders. Do you then dig deeper and get those going 1 mph over. Also I never understood how funding is tied in with tickets given (one example). The safest neighborhoods I've seen have the least amount of cops patroling. Does money get funneled into those areas. If high crime and high quotas go hand in hand with funding, wouldn't they become safer? All of that just sounds like a crooked system.
Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

I've heard conspiracy theories about handing out as many tickets possible to increase car insurance.

Car insurance companies then give them equipment, new vehicles and other stuff.

I'm sure who can find some information on it if you're interested.

ha interesting theory to say the least, i've never heard that one. actually while driving on the jersey turnpike to philly, i was doing about 85, 90 tops...pretty much the speed of general traffic, but well over the speed limit of 65. from what i saw today, 90 or above will get u pulled over but 80-85 was ok (drove past a cop doing that and all was good).

thats when i thought about it..what if speed limits were set with the intent of increasing the # of speeding violations, thus increasing overall fines paid (read: revenue) to city or state? initially i thought speed limits were set after a determination of what would be safest to drive tops on a specific highway, based on highway design/engineering. but if people are driving 80mph on a highway with no prob then people are gonna go that speed, not 65, so why set it so low?

only answer i can think of was $$....
My girl recently got a $65 expired registration tabs (1 month off) ticket in Golden Gate Park, on Mon, 11/28 @ 3pm.

SFPD is definitely more active towards the end of the month.
So if your a cop and you never ever write a ticket in say 3 months. You dont think your supervisor is going to say hey, what are you doing? You need to write some tickets
NO!!! I am a cop in a town near you and this is a misconception everybody and their mother has. Tickets just show to your sergeant that you are a worker thats all. So its basically up to the individual. I rather lock the world up instead of writing tickets!!
yes/no (where i live, toronto)

it's not written anywhere but the department will get skepticalhippo.jpg if you aren't pulling ppl over/issuing tickets.
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