The only jeans I wash are the ones I wear to the club, all my other ones have yet to emote an odor. But the club ones smell like weed & liquor & #!+%. Wash those all the time
Wash after 1 year of wear. Really depends on the type of denim you buy though.

I haven't washed / soaked my Jeans in about 3 months..

They have a pretty nice smell going.
Women especially LOVE the croch smell of my jeans.

Draws them closer.. 

Originally Posted by Name I Koop

I dry clean my jeans twice a year

This. But I dry clean about 3 times a year.
I just hate when they put a crease in them after I ask them not to.
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[h1]You Can Quit Washing Your Jeans—For 15 Months, Actually[/h1]
Kat Hannaford — When I was about 10, my boyfriend of the time (someone I swapped love-letters with, basically) wore the same pair of jeans for a month straight. I dropped him around day 10 through disgust. But 15 months? Now that's science.

College student Josh Le wore the same pair of jeans for 15 months, racking up 330 wears of the $165 Nudie Jeans while studying at the University of Alberta. Every now and then he would give it a sniff-test, and if he detected a slight pong he'd stick them in the freezer for a few hours.

After the lengthy test-period, Le and his professor swabbed the jeans, then finally washed them. He then wore the jeans for 13 days, after which they swabbed them again—and discovered that bacteria-levels were the same regardless of the length of wear.

Now, I do have a couple of issues with this experiment. After 15 months of continuous wear, the bacteria and stains were probably so steeped in the fibre that just one wash probably wasn't enough to get it all out. What they should've done was swabbed the jeans after a few days' use, before the lengthy test started.

Also, 13 days? Who wears the same pair of jeans for 13 days and considers that a normal wear-period? Perhaps after you've donned the same trews for 15 months, but I consider five wears to be the maximum before needing a wash.

Considering Le is now holding a competition with a friend to see who can wear a (new) pair of jeans the longest, three years down the line we may get some new data to chew over. [ABC via Gawker]
wearing a pair of levis that i havent washed in all 4 years ive had em (winter rotation jeans)
Originally Posted by reeeem0

wearing a pair of levis that i havent washed in all 4 years ive had em (winter rotation jeans)
I might throw up.

Seriously one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. Y'all probably that one dude everyone thinks smells like *!#% but makes everyone too afraid to call him out on it.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by reeeem0

wearing a pair of levis that i havent washed in all 4 years ive had em (winter rotation jeans)
I might throw up.

Seriously one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. Y'all probably that one dude everyone thinks smells like *!#% but makes everyone too afraid to call him out on it.

None of my new jeans have been washed since they've been bought. One pair is over a year and a half old now.

I just febreeze em, or sometimes i iron them under a dryer sheet.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

None of my new jeans have been washed since they've been bought. One pair is over a year and a half old now.

I just febreeze em, or sometimes i iron them under a dryer sheet.

the jeans i wear when i ride my bike smell
after a couple of rides. but all my other jeans dont smell
that ive worn for 6+ months.
So why don't yall wash them regularly?
Was this something taught growing up? special care? what?
My guy friends will tell me they don't wash their jeans, then have the nerve to tell me that their legs are always itching. I wonder why idiot. 
i do wash my jeans after every 5 or 6 times i wear them. the key is to have a lot of jeans so you don't constantly wear the same pair daily. but if i wear jeans to the club or somewhere and i end up sweating i'll either wash them on delicate and hang dry them or if they're really expensive i'll take them to the dry cleaners. smh at you guys who NEVER wash your jeans that's just gross!
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

So why don't yall wash them regularly?
Was this something taught growing up? special care? what?
mom dukes would always tell me that i didnt need to wash my jeans after every wear. She was tryna conserve detergent so it just stuck.

i think it depends on what your wearing them for and how often you wear them. I wash my jeans every few months, but i also live in San Diego so i wear jeans maybe once every 2 weeks, i personally don't think theres anything nasty about that, especially since i wear basketball shorts underneath, but 15 months without washing is 
Y'all must be some smelly dudes if your jeans start to smell that bad after 5-7 wears. Before wearing APCs, I use to buy a new pair of Levi STFs and wear them for 15-20x a month for about 6 months without washing them. NO ONE has ever complained about its smell, not even my closest friends or my mother. Maybe its cause I lay them out after wearing them.

Personally, I hate the feel of newly washed jeans. I really only wash my prewashed jeans whenever I feel like they are getting really dirty (which is maybe like 2-3x a year).
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