Do Jobs discriminate against people with dreads?

Sep 5, 2008
I'm a young black male trying to take the next step job wise but I have dreads. My friends all tell me I should cut them if i want to be taken seriously but I don't want to take their advice. Is it true that jobs have a prejudice against people with dreads?
i dont think its the dreads you have to worry about
Since dreads have replaced braids as the threatening black man hairstyle, probably so.
Probably depends on the job. If it is corporate, they want you to look proper for the company. Having dreads might not be bad but trying to get a job is a different story. Usually once you get the job, then you can bend the rules and have your hair a certain style without getting discriminated. To my knowledge, once you are cannot get fired for having a certain hairstyle. You can file a lawsuit with the quickness and any lawyer will take the case cause most likely, you will win.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Probably depends on the job. If it is corporate, they want you to look proper for the company. Having dreads might not be bad but trying to get a job is a different story. Usually once you get the job, then you can bend the rules and have your hair a certain style without getting discriminated. To my knowledge, once you are cannot get fired for having a certain hairstyle. You can file a lawsuit with the quickness and any lawyer will take the case cause most likely, you will win.

Personally I wouldn't care, but I'm only 24 and not in a position to hire anybody. Even if the person in charge of hiring you isn't a complete racist and won't care that you're black, there is still a certain stigma associated with dreads that could hurt you in the hiring process. If there are two identical black guys walking down the street but one has dreads, I would bet a majority of white people would be more likely to trust/feel safe around the one without dreads.
It may sound stupid but I'm dead serious.
^^^thats not entirely true. in many states companies can fire you at anytime for anything. all they would have to do is say that its due to performance. you would have a hard time proving that you were fired due to a hairstyle short of having witnesses and/or recordings of someone with the ability to fire you saying that.
Originally Posted by mt3130

^^^thats not entirely true. in many states companies can fire you at anytime for anything. all they would have to do is say that its due to performance. you would have a hard time proving that you were fired due to a hairstyle short of having witnesses and/or recordings of someone with the ability to fire you saying that.

I was going to add that. Companies are also not dumb an can fire you for other such things that aren't related to your hair. Also a company will most likely not promote you or give you any beneficial factors in you wanting to stay, so it can just be a lose lose situation in the long run.

Still, if you are the right candidate for the job, something like a person's hair won't be that big of a deal. All this usually pertains to a corporate job though cause I know people that work in the creative field and you can literally look and wear almost anything as long as you know what you are doing.
You're not getting the job with those dreads, b. they look nappy, dog. Let's be realistic. Grow them joints out after you're hired, though
It's a shame that we can't rock a natural hairstyle just because it makes white people feel uncomfortable.
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