Do lyrics really matter?

Lyrics are the most important thing that this culture has. It is THE voice of oppression , poverty , ignorance , a genius' , leaders and last but not leastthe voice of BLACK AMERICA..... If they take this away from us ( whick they have ) we wouldnt matter anymore. The media can now paint a picture to the rest ofthe world how we are. We have no voice anymore regardless of LUPE's , OUTKAST , SAIGON's etc... these artist are promoted enough and arent marketedenough for A real IMPACT this culture was suppose to have on people... the direction is completely off course. No consistent substance. POINT BLANK... lyricsare important if we didnt have them we would turn into house music
its not matter of lyrics the face of the music,

hip-hop is about originality
and originality about the lyrics(cant say beat cause alot of beats are sampled off each other) is what makes them great
such as, punchlines, metaphors, delivery and such

u dont need all of em to suceed, as long as u have one atleast,
then u can make it

but in this time of the era,
club music and party music is the majority and the face of hip-hop
so idk what to really say
I feel I can compare hip-hop to women, with the beat being a woman's physical appearance and the lyrics being a woman's true substance likepersonality.

Some people prefer the hot girls for sex or one night stands.

Some people value personality and want a little more out of their women than something to look at.
The do mater, but not as much as some of these people on here make it out to be. Sometimes I like to hear the real, raw music like a hungry east coast MC, butsometimes I just want to hear something that knocks and is catchy. Different moods and whatever. Look at 50 with I get money, the lyrics aren't that great,but the beat was good and I liked the song overall. I mean like I said I like that hip-hop that says something or something that I can relate to, but not allof the time. If that were the only type of hip-hop then you would grow tiresome of it. The industry needs the Soulja Boi's and other artists like him tosatisfy the memphisboi's and TrillipinoTrapstars and other 106 & Park kids.
Everyone has different preferences and a lot of the time people like listening to different music in different situations. Some like lyrical, thoughtful songsand others just like to listen to music to dance to because it makes them feel good. Isn't that what's it all about? Isn't that what early rap wasabout? Feeling good and giving yourselves a voice to be heard? The only problem these days is that there is an excess amount of only 1 type of music and thatis this ringtone rap. What's being played on television and the radio and what is being marketed the most is only one type of music leading others who lovedifferent types to be mad. And they have a right to be. Back in early 00's when I was in junior high I remember turning on the tv and being able to hear aLuda song that would amp you up in the club and then a minute later hear a thoughtful Nas song and then a minute later hear Mystikal tlaking in his raspyol' voice.

Everything in life needs balance and rap is no exception.
Originally Posted by Page86

did you really just say poetry doesnt have structure?

someone didn't go to college..............

Umm i went to Art institute of Ft. Lauderdale double major in computer animation and graphic design. there's nothing in my studies that says poetry issuppose to rhyme, have purpose, or have a particular structure. that's why there is so many different forms of poetry. budda bless i wasn't attackingyou were the one of the few responses that i felt compelled to respond to at length. Everyone has valid points and i agree with yall i never said theydon't thing was when did it become the most important part of the culture cause it defiantly didn't start that way. we need the music of substancewithout a doubt and the balance is not there but as some purest would have it where the balance would still be there but in the favor of substance rap andthat's all i meant by the question. a lot of rappers feel the south has no place in hip hop just as they said for the west in the mid 90s and i think thata lot of it is motivated by hatred and not logic. substance rap is on the back burner in all regions even NY ( this is why I'm hot) so why attack a region? cause its capitalizing on the market ? the culture is driven by youth always have and always will and lets be serious how many of us was interested inpolitics and world issues at the age of 13 - 17 i knew abut these issues but i was busy humping people daughters. I'm 25 unlike others i was capable ofbuying my own music (had a job since i was 13) but that was a rarity during that time when music was great. now of days every kid has a ipod my daughter is 4and has a nano right now ( i don't on the other hand ). my daughter listen to good music because she want to love what i love that's a rare case andmost just want to listen to happy music with catchy beats cause they aren't ready to break down a song and discuss why kool g rap was art. the labels arecatering to that market just as they catered to us when we were able to obtain music. that's where the imbalance came from. the artist that were great inthe 90s are no longer there or plain out suck and we are so jaded by the imbalance that we don't look for good music anymore that's why there's aput me on ...... post every week. there are artist that counter that imbalance and is doing well as i said prior Alicia keys sold what soulja boy sold in 5months in a week. we have the opportunity to curb the demand of the market but we are too busy complaining about this artist ain't lyrical he sucks. samething for the artist why all the hate for one another get together and make good music. that's why the south is in the position they are in now they standtogether instead going at each other necks like this jet li's the one there cant be just one we need to realize that. there's more than one ingredientin a pie to make it taste good.
then you haven't taken any indepth writing courses

just because something doesn't rhyme

doesn't meen it doesnt have meter

or form

poetry actually has some of the most strict forms of writing.

but carry on......
All regions do have their places in hip hop I can't deny the classic material and legendary artists that have come up all around the country. I'venever been one to target a specific region but like I said a spade is a spade its obvious where a lot of bad music is comin from if not the majority not to sayNy or other regions to prodcuce garbage as well but it seems like this, where we would have a Mims or dem Aunt Jackie Ns tryin to do whats hot now, thats theminority here where as it seems in the South every other dude who wants to be a rapper is thiniking of the new dance song they can make, its almost like itsnothing but a continuous party no matter the weather down there. Reminds me of another thread floatin around here about nobody rapping about struggle no more.I aint worried no more there's gonna be a time where somebody is gonna shut that shh down so Im not even complaining. I didnt feel attacked it was just youharped on just one of my points in my previous posts.

The reason why lyrics have become the most important thing now is because now its extremely lacking on a mainstream level but then again I guess lyrics dontsell just the hook n a beat

I say no as in a getting popular sense. I say it matters if you want to have a long run in the rap game and respect from other people as in the fans and otherrappers. Look at Soulja boy, the boy has no lyrical skill what so ever but a catchy tune and a catchy chorus got him a deal and 15 minutes of fame. In 2 or 3months he's going to disappear and eventually dropped from Interscope because it will get played out. People like Common and Talib Kweli doesn't getthat much shine because there songs and content aren't the same as little kids and majority of people who listen to rap and hip hop but they are respectedbecause of their lyrical skills and the music they make thus being the reason why they are still in the game, respect from other rappers and fans like us whowon't let them disappear.
believe it or not party songs was always the highest form of hip hop. i feel that the gritty gutter sound came in due to the crack epidemic people couldn't relate to party this and that they related to that raw rap.

I agree.

Lyrics are the most important thing that this culture has. It is THE voice of oppression , poverty , ignorance , a genius' , leaders and last but not least the voice of BLACK AMERICA.....

I prefer We people of African Descent.(But your right we are black citizens of America) Yes that is the most important part of lyrics. Lyricist inthe Hip Hop community are amongst those who prove we have intellegence as a people. We people who have been stripped of our history and ancestors have createda way to express our views and creativity through MC'ing.And now the white industry owners have taken control of that artistic form and has prostituted themusic through ears of our youth who are getting more simple everyday. I for one have always been a fan of lyrics. It started out with reggae in the early 90sand ended with Rap. It's through these forms of music especially rap that I became more pro-black and realized the creativity in my people. Like I saidearlier there has always been a place for party music in hip hop but for it to be dominant form of music is not neccessary.

One of my fav versus:

"Said we was garbage, so @%%% college
Street knowledge amazin to scholars when we coin phrases for dollars"

-Sauce Money
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