Do Native Americans Find The Chicago Blackhawks Log Offensive?

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

[h1]Chicago Blackhawks respect what insignia represents[/h1]
This Division was nicknamed the "Blackhawk Division", after a Native American of the Sauk nation, Chief Black Hawk, who was a prominent figure in the history of Illinois. McLaughlin evidently named the hockey team in honor of the military unit, making it one of many sports team names using Native Americans as icons.
Black Hawk or Black Sparrow Hawk (Sauk Makataimeshekiakiak (Mahkate:wi-meši-ke:hke:hkwa), "be a large black hawk") (Spring 1767 - October 3, 1838) was a leader and warrior of the Sauk American Indian tribe in what is now the United States. Although he had inherited an important historic medicine bundle, he was not a hereditary civil chief of the Sauk, but was an appointed war chief. He was generally known in English as Black Hawk.
You can be can be as cynical as you want to the point where you remain adamant in your choice to see things from an extremely limited point of view, butit's totally not like you're making it out to be with this particular logo. That's your choice though if you want to carry on like that.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

You can be can be as cynical as you want to the point where you remain adamant in your choice to see things from an extremely limited point of view, but it's totally not like you're making it out to be with this particular logo. That's your choice though if you want to carry like that.
Limited point of view?

So since I take into account multiple factors that include historical degradation of Native Americans, profiting off of Native American imagery in pop culture(esp sports), and actually looking at HOW it can be offensive, I'M looking at it from a limited point of view???

Originally Posted by kingofny04

Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

i love this pic in a funny way and in an SMH way

If the logo was any of the other 3, there would be major uproar.

I'm sorry but this picture is mad funny.

I wish I had Jersey's with all four logos
I swear the ******* has to be the worst.

But Native Americans really need to stand up for themselves.

If that was anyother ethnic race that would have been changed several decades ago.
LOL indians

Are they even discriminated against... it's 2009

I'd have no problem with the Clevelend (sp??) White people
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

i love this pic in a funny way and in an SMH way


btw this is nychiphophippo. yes it was necessary for me to say it even though nobody knows me. too lazy to log out of my friends account

*I'd root for the team if my peoples were the logo; i dont care what city the team is from.....

But on a serious note. I agree with the guy that went on a rant ^^^^^

Unless the teams did it out of respect for the history of the symbol, then it is only purely exploiting the image..
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I like the Cleveland Hispanics logo lowkey though . : lol

I thought I was the only one, that joint is funny as hell. Smh at the dude talked about lou diamond rolling in his grave. Had me mad worried for a sec...
I don't care how honorable someone thinks naming a team after a tribe/group/person is, people portrayed as caricatured mascots is NOT cool. The Blackhawkslogo is nothing but a classic example of white folks' belief in,and representation of, the concept of the "noble savage." I'm a fan of thehome team but every time the logo is voted "best in sports" I cringe.

And if you did a little research, you'd see that the "fightin' Irish" logo and name has upset quite a few Irish that don't like theperpetuation of the drunken/hooligan Irishman stereotype...
Being Native American I find it somewhat offensive. Its not as over the top as say Clevelands logo, or the ******** name, or that stupid Chief Illiniwik.
my best friend is full blooded seminole and doesnt give a damn about the blackhawk logo neither do ppl in his family..dude went to u of i of all places forfree of charge becuase of his decent
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

the Chicago Blackhawks are an Original Six NHL team... they've been around since the 1920's

No way should they EVER change their logo... IMO, its the best logo in sports
Nothing you said constitutes to a pertinent argument as to why the logo is not offensive...

The logo is offensive, no matter how long the team has been around....
okay but the logo isn't silly at all like the Indians' logo... There is no goofy smile or anything... It's only an Indian head.
I remember reading a while ago that the indian head displayed in a store meant that place is where you could get paid for(by Europeans) the scalpsof Indians that you killed.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Blackhawks/********/Indians are all offensive to me personally...just change the names and logos..itsnot like people are going to not support the team anymore...and anyone who isnt Native American and says "this isnt offensive" is just wow...[/color]
My college changed from the ******** to the Redhawks, I was glad they did. It was interesting to hear the points from the tribe that came to the university anddiscussed. I was in agreement with them after hearing their side. A few of the alum still have "******* forever" type stickers on cars, but for themost part everyone agreed and liked the change.
We don't worry about offending the Indians. The very idea that we would have the audacity to rename them Native Americans is offensive. White people wentfrom deciding that their name was one thing, to deciding that was offensive and renaming them? And that's not offensive? Columbus Day is celebrated everyyear, and that's not offensive? This is just another losing battle for them, and I'm sure by now they're used to it. They.
I could see why people are offended by the Cleveland Indians' logo... I still don't buy into the Blackhawks' logo being offensive.

I'm of Italian descent. If someone made a team with a logo of the typical Italian guy with a mustache and the chef hat, I wouldn't mind.

I'm talking about something like this...
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

LOL indians

Are they even discriminated against... it's 2009

I'd have no problem with the Clevelend (sp??) White people
Typical response from someone who doesn't want to take responsibility for the actions of his people....

Discrimination DOES exist against Indians, institutionally, socially, in the media etc...

You name it....

I hear that all the time... "Its 2009" "Times have changed" "Everyone is treated equally"....

Bull Bull and Bull...

The starting lines for race are so far apart its not even funny. If anything White people have an even bigger lead from the start simply because race hasbecome a subconscious thing, People of dominant groups (namely White Middle to Upper-Class Males) will never admit to the wrongs in society simply because itmay ultimately effect them in an adverse manner. Race still affects MINORITIES more than you'll ever know...

The only group that race does not effect in an adverse manner are Whites. Whites who were once minorities (Irish, Italians, Germans etc) have assimilated intosociety simply because of the color of their skin.

Indians, Blacks, Hispanics etc don't have that ability. So discrimination still exists for them on all levels. White people either don't see it,won't admit it, won't talk about it, or feel guilty about it....

Noo one is fessing up...Yet they'll sit there and try to justify negative imagery of minorities (both gender and race). White dudes don't even admit toobjectifying white women....
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I could see why people are offended by the Cleveland Indians' logo... I still don't buy into the Blackhawks' logo being offensive.

I'm of Italian descent. If someone made a team with a logo of the typical Italian guy with a mustache and the chef hat, I wouldn't mind.

I'm talking about something like this...
Thats great that you wouldnt be offended by an italian depiction,but honestly it isntabout you or you relating to being offended...the fact is that the people who it does involve are offended...just because you dont understand it doesnt mean itshould stay the way it is...
The Indians got it bad. When was the last time you seen two Indians together?
How the hell can they stand up for themselves when there aren't that many left in the first place?
Originally Posted by Mos Def 212

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I could see why people are offended by the Cleveland Indians' logo... I still don't buy into the Blackhawks' logo being offensive.

I'm of Italian descent. If someone made a team with a logo of the typical Italian guy with a mustache and the chef hat, I wouldn't mind.

I'm talking about something like this...
Thats great that you wouldnt be offended by an italian depiction,but honestly it isnt about you or you relating to being offended...the fact is that the people who it does involve are offended...just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it should stay the way it is...
I'm saying though...

Italians don't get a pass, EVER for any negative depictions about them...

Why? Because they have assimilated into the "white" category...

Therefore they can pick and choose when they want those depictions to be hurtful...

If you're blatantly a person of color or have telltale physical qualities you don't have the ability to play the cut and let @*#& roll off of yourback. Its not that easy when you're not White.

Same thing goes for females (even White females). If there is imagery negatively depicting a female then it effects all females. You can't just play thecut....A negative depiction is a negative depiction.

If people can't see that logic they're either in denial or ignorant. I'm not going to sugarcoat the truth.
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