do people in USA have to pay duties/taxes?

I remember shipping something to a buyer and i asked him how much duty is....dude was like "i dont know*$!! you're talking about"...

I've never had any complaints from buyers having to pay duty.

must be great, lol.
Originally Posted by fenixconnexion

ah the benefits of living in the US... lower retail, lower taxes, no customs...

My health>clothes/kicks/etc
Originally Posted by fenixconnexion

ah the benefits of living in the US... lower retail, lower taxes, no customs...

and the RIAA knocking on your door to arrest you for ripping music from the CD you bought into your iPod
theres obviously upsides and downsides of living in the states, but im just stating some of the benefits...

im not sure if the RIAA can arrest you for that, because you purchased that CD...
Originally Posted by fenixconnexion

theres obviously upsides and downsides of living in the states, but im just stating some of the benefits...

im not sure if the RIAA can arrest you for that, because you purchased that CD...

I know
, but they are making new laws soon
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