Do Y'all Laugh When Somebody Trips And Falls?

Sometimes I try not to but that $%* is just too funny. The best part is the look on the person's face right when they realize they're goin down andthere's nothing they can do about it. Hahaha
Originally Posted by UFCkid

you mean like this? yes i lolz
she was wobbling like she had no ankles lmao
i give a good chuckle... i check to see if they are ok then if they are i let it out..

I laugh hysterically when I see those damn kids with those rollerskates/sneakers trip and fall.. Only happened once but was waiting since the day I first sawthem and when it happened two years later it did not disappoint.
i always laugh because i know if it were me falling someone who saw would laugh so might as well get my laughs in before i become the joke lol
first of all, of course i laugh. reason being, is that if i were in that situation i'd laugh at myself

last weekend me n my boys were chillin outside the house after we were sippin on some stuff. and a girl that lives by comes up to the house to say wassup to myhomies.

as my homie walks over she begins to skip a little (mind you, this girl is cute too) and as shes skipping she goes over a couple of loose rocks and begins totrip up. she

finally stops slippin up and falls on her @#!. me and my boys went from, "ooo there goes homegirl" ..."ooo damn HAHAHAHA"

my homie didn't even try to catch her from falling. he got caught off guard and took a step back himself...hahaha me and my boy just couldn't stop dying. She was trying to say wassup but me and my boy were laughin histerically on the floor. my other homies weretrying to

change the subject to take the embarrasment off her but me and my boy couldn't hold it in. I explained to her that if it was anyone else we'd belaughing the same, and i

kinda felt guilty but *$%$ was mad funny. ahhh great times. From now on, everytime i c this chick, i will always remember her falling on her @#!
I laugh when i fall my self because you know some one is there to i dont even ty to play it off
Yes. When it's a loved one, I hold it in to make sure they're straight, then laugh.

Gets me everytime.
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