Do yall "read" people?


Jul 6, 2005
This guy I was talking to was telling me that you need to learn how to read ppl who you come in contact with because it will get you know if they are goodcompany or not. He waws basically saying let the other person do the talking and what they talk about let let you know if they are good ppl or not. But I thinkits bs because I believe you have to really get to know someone then form an opinion of them. So is there really a way to read people?
Yes i read everybody i have a conversation with. In one conversation i can know whether or not i would want to know u more or want to hang around you.
I try not to make assumptions based on what their demeanor, tone of voice or body language might be that day or at that moment. And a lot of time what thisvibe is, is just a reflection of the vibe they get from you. Some people act different ways around different Men vs. Women. I do read people fortruthfullness tho..word to Lie to me.

I've been told I'm very hard to read....I stay with the same blank, aloof, neutral body language and facial expression. I tend to show more emotion topeople I know well (friends) or in one on one interactions.
Im getting this sales job and he was vital that I become good at it. How do you practice getting better??
[English accent] "Halo thar..." [/English accent]


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Cal Lightman > Horatio Caine[/color]


Yeah, everyone claims they're good at "reading'' people like guy above me said.

I try to though. I work as a salesperson. I tend to know the tirekickers from serious buyers..
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Meangene4

Originally Posted by midsOleGone

Originally Posted by Meangene4

my job and life depends on it so they teach you.
What do you do? if you dont mind me asking.

police officer in training

*waits for people to ridicule you about becoming a cop*

We don't get ridiculed, we get rid of fools
wasnt gone say anything but
for that
you a cop in training
Theres all kinds of ways one can 'read' another. I'd say that most of the reading is non-verbal. For instance one of the most simple things is eyecontact. Does the person maintain eye contact while in conversation? or are they hesitant? normally people who are confident/trusting do a good job ofmaintaining good eye contact without staring. The ones who dont maintain eye contact could have a low self esteem or could simply be lying to you. Tonality isalso key as well. Most trustable people especially good salesmen have great tonality which basically sugarcoats whatever it is you're pitching. What theydo with their hands can also be judged as well. Are they fidgetty when in conversation? can they maintain good posture without moving their hands everywhere.Often when people are nervous they will move their hands a lot as opposed to people who are more comfortable with different environments will appear to me morerelaxed. I dunno if all this helps but all these little things add up and can help you make a better judgement on whether you can trust someone or not..
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I can get a vibe for people but that's about it
That's how I feel, Like people have aura's that I can see.
But I don't assess weither or not I should be around them right off the bat, although sometimes I should.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I try not to make assumptions based on what their demeanor, tone of voice or body language might be that day or at that moment.


We all have our bad days...I'm not gonna completely judge someone based on one interaction.
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