Do yall "read" people?

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[English accent] "Halo thar..." [/English accent]


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Cal Lightman > Horatio Caine[/color]




Paul Ekman = the real Cal Lightman
of course, I try to analyze things they say for deeper meaning, sometimes there are many contradictions in their story.
Although I've been wrong on many occasions, I'm willing to live and die with the energy that people give off. I've grown up un-trusting, and now Ioperate under the pretense that people have to give me a reason to trust beyond a shadow of a doubt, until then you're all assumed guilty.

...Its a confluence of characteristics mentioned throughout this thread. But at this point in my life, its so natural to feel people out that I literally donot think about it.
so ...... what about people that know about cold reading, body language etc ... and intentionally use those things to throw you off .. For ex there are timewhen I act insecure and unsure, to test the other persons reactions and true intentions of our interaction
Honestly listening and asking the right follow up questions is usually what I use most of the times ... Vocal intonation is easy to use to throw you off,whereas facial micro expressions aren't
I do read people but I've also noticed I'm a little paranoid so I try not to make conclusions from what I've "read".

I have a couple of old friends who have a bad habit of telling little harmless lies. I can tell 99.9% of time when it's bs.
I read people all the time, I use to be in sales so that's when I started to become better at it. The better you become at this, the better your life willbe IMO. From finding the right person to settle down with to knowing when negativity or something harmful maybe coming your way.
but always go with the rule my pops gave me: "You have two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you speak."

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

48 laws of power. read it.
I read it and it contradicts itself all the time with every 48 power! I just cant trust it. Even though it taught me a lot a bout history that Inever knew about..
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