Do you believe in hunting for sport?

No issues as long as the usable parts arent going to waste and the species isnt over hunted or endangered.

You can definitely see who's been in the City their whole lives in here. lol. (not saying you're not entitled to an opinion)

I've never hunted however I grew up in the country... My facebook been flooded with friends that have gotten White Tail Deer in the last couple weeks.

I LOOOOOVE me some Venison though.
I don't like the thought of killing something as a sport and for people's enjoyment. I would watch if we had stuff like gladiators again because it looked cool in movies :smh:.
It's wasteful, disrupts the ecosystem and to be honest, it is a bish *** way to kill an animal.

You want it to be a sport, kill the damn thing with your bare hands. Hell you can have a knife with you to help.

But hiding quietly in the bushes, from a distance, with a high powered rifle isn't anything to brag about.
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I dont have an issue with hunters. More power to them that know how to track and kill an animal. Its a lost knowledge that many should learn, but most are so used to their neatly pre-packaged meat that learning to hunt never crosses their minds.
if you eat / use what you kill, then I don't have any issues with hunting.

hunting for sport? big game hunting by rich folks? doesn't sound appealing to me.

BUT big game hunting aside, if we suburban / urban folks haven't been raised in a rural / country environment / culture where hunting is / was a way of life, then who are we to judge?
i just don't believe he ate all those, who takes down a whole giraffe, elephant and a lion? that's like a million pounds not to mention probably pretty gross. dude just kills to kill. i don't care if you hunt deer or whatever and eat it but this rich dude isn't eating baboon.
i too have a question with fishing.

i don't hafta do it. i enjoy it. i eat the fish. i am proud of the catches i make.

is that still sport?
I actually like bear meat, but I'm still not seeing any proof that he wasted all/most of the meat.
My uncle sent some of the bear meat he had to a butcher to make into bear sausages and bear patties for burgers. Let me tell you, I never knew bear meat can taste so delicious. :pimp:
bow hunting is the only hunting i will participate in, i believe bow hunters respect nature and the animals more than other types of hunting
I don't give a **** about animals so as long as it's not adversely damaging the ecosystem thus negatively affecting me let them hunters hunt.
i just don't believe he ate all those, who takes down a whole giraffe, elephant and a lion? that's like a million pounds not to mention probably pretty gross. dude just kills to kill. i don't care if you hunt deer or whatever and eat it but this rich dude isn't eating baboon.

He could be giving the meat to others though. I mean dude could be just leaving it out there for the hyenas, but unless someone has proof you really can't say he is.

As for the dude talking about bow hunting making you able to sing that stupid Pocahontas song, you'd sing a different tune if you paid attention and saw all the animals walking around with arrows in them :smh:
My uncle sent some of the bear meat he had to a butcher to make into bear sausages and bear patties for burgers. Let me tell you, I never knew bear meat can taste so delicious.
If I recall correctly its bears that eat mostly berries that end up tasting delicious.  The ones that scavenge or eat more meat tend to be worse tasting.
i too have a question with fishing.
i don't hafta do it. i enjoy it. i eat the fish. i am proud of the catches i make.
is that still sport?
Usually people eat the fish that they catch or throw the fish back. However; the ocean is being overfished and many species are threatened because of our insatiable appetite for fishing amongst other things.

In my op I clearly say hunting for SPORT which means the meat is not being eaten, and the the animals hides, teeth , tusks, or other body parts are used as some form of trophy or souvenir. The man who's website I posted disgusts me. He has no value for life and it's ironic considering he is in the business of saving lives.
repped for this thread, i know without animals we dont eat "protein" but yeah im against it.

background check "i grew up fighting dogs sue me"
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