Do you believe the official story of 9/11?

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While loose change and others like it were interesting watches that I partook it, I think it led us down a dangerous path that has spawned some pretty cringey things such as the sandy hook conspiracy nuts
All people have a voice now and that not a good thing. Idiots band together to reaffirm their stupid beliefs and it causes real damage. Qanon comes to mind. These idiots let this virus last as long as it has among other things. Put these mother ****ers in a hole and close the hole
The ONLY reason I dont believe the conspiracy theories is because of how wide scale of a coverup this would have to be. For this to be government planned or whatever conspiracy you believe, there would have to at least be hundreds of people in on it. And if there were hundreds of people in on it, the whistle would have been blown by now.


I really think people just watch too much TV/movies to think that they not only successfully maneuvered their way up and down the towers rigging it with explosives while being undetected by ANYONE, AND also keeping it under wraps for 20 years :lol:

It was really just the US government having a massive lapse in security following failed international relations in he middle east filled with enabling and double crossing the American way.
Assuming everything in the movie “Vice” is factually accurate… yeah the Government was def involved.
Don’t think the hijackers were really terrorists or part of any organization other than hired by our own government
this get bumped cause of the military pull out?

not sure what a plane would look like hitting that building, but if I was shown that pic, I wouldn't guess a plane hit it....

believe it was an act of terrorism made possible by multiple failures from US intelligence.
Don’t think the hijackers were really terrorists or part of any organization other than hired by our own government

The hijackers who were on record as being trained and operating terrorist cells in Europe and declaring their hatred for the US (on video) were hired by that same US government to kill innocent Americans, tank our own economy which subsequently led to us killing thousands of THEIR innocent Muslim brethren and pillaging their land?

wut. Whose interests does that serve? :lol:
Lol and the proof of this?
Why would I need proof? I have none

the thread is speaking on what do YOU believe, that’s just what I think and have always thought. No bombs, no photoshop or edits, all happened minus what were told and who was “behind” it

just like some people believe there were bombs set off in order to collapse the buildings, jet fuel can’t melt steel beams, a plane didn’t hit the pentagon, etc etc
this get bumped cause of the military pull out?

not sure what a plane would look like hitting that building, but if I was shown that pic, I wouldn't guess a plane hit it....

believe it was an act of terrorism made possible by multiple failures from US intelligence.

nah I start thinking about this just about every year around this time.

pretty much all the way with you on what happened, also believe elements in the government were aware of plans prior.
Don’t think the hijackers were really terrorists or part of any organization other than hired by our own government


Their flight instructors in Florida who remember training the terrorists. Also, what's in it for them? You think the USA paid their families out after they died? You'd have to pay me a heck of a lot of money to kill myself? 😂
The military and ppl in charge were slippin/didn’t take it seriously and some terrorists took adavantage off this which lead to havoc and death…Then afterwards, those same ppl that messed up in the 1st place seen an opportunity for some new plans and agendas so they seized advantage of that too
The military and ppl in charge were slippin/didn’t take it seriously and some terrorists took adavantage off this which lead to havoc and death…Then afterwards, those same ppl that messed up in the 1st place seen an opportunity for some new plans and agendas so they seized advantage of that too

A lot of younger people can't imagine it but the world was very different prior to 9/11. I've read a couple of books on the topic and I was in the military, one of the major issues was that prior to 9/11 there was very little interagency communication and homeland security didn't exist. State, local and national law enforcement organizations all had little tidbits about these terrorists but because they didn't communicate and share information, we were unable to stop the attacks.

Before 9/11, there was no TSA and you could basically walk on a plane. You could also walk on a lot of military bases in the '90s because security was so lax. I remember visiting my brother while he was in the Navy in the late 90s (he was stationed in Jacksonville) and we practically walked on base with barely an escort and without showing any form of ID. 9/11 changed everything.

For a lot of younger people who don't remember life before September 11th, they wouldn't be able to recognize America in the 90s. No conflicts in the Middle East that we were involved in, no adversary like the Cold war, the 90s and early 2000s we're super quiet on the military conflict front and terrorist caught a slipping. We genuinely didn't see it coming and Al Qaeda came out of nowhere

Yes, with our current heightened level of security and entire agencies that didn't exist in the '90s, it's hard to imagine something as catastrophic as September 11th happening. It would need to be an inside job. But the '90s were very different and It's likely we just dropped the ball and didn't connect the dots in time.
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A lot of younger people can't imagine it but the world was very different prior to 9/11. I've read a couple of books on the topic and I was in the military, one of the major issues was that prior to 9/11 there was very little interagency communication and homeland security didn't exist. State, local and national law enforcement organizations all had little tidbits about these terrorists but because they didn't communicate and share information, we were unable to stop the attacks.

Before 9/11, there was no TSA and you could basically walk on a plane. You could also walk on a lot of military bases in the '90s because security was so lax. I remember visiting my brother while he was in the Navy and we practically walked on base with barely an escort and without showing any form of ID. 9/11 changed everything.
Yup, all this is true. Imagine this generation going through that change? Wanna talk about a mask going against their freedom…..
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