Do you buy your close friends gifts for their birthday?

Anyone who knows me knows I'm dead-broke. No one expects a gift from me.
rarely...and mostly the people who got me something for my i owe an a-hole and broke so allowed
Maybe I'll throw something in the air if they blaze or some liquor, but nah not like that.

My boy he gets me like a Jordan shirt and stuff, but I don't buy him back anything...maybe I will this year.

I can't say that I never have, but I do/did it before, but not all like for your main or anything.
Hell to da naww
All they get is

myspace glitter.

But actually I do for my close friends or if I'm invited to a birthday party whether they're close to me or not..

I'm not going to show up without a gift..especially if everybody else is bringing one.
Do you buy your close friends gifts for their birthday?


i dont even know when 90% of my friends birthdays are let alone a gift
like if we go out on their bday, ill buy them something. like a drink at a club or food.
Like 5 years ago I bought my boy a Gamecube just 'cause I had a massive amount of money in the bank and I thought it would be funny.

It's been collecting dust ever since.
Naw, for some reason it doesn't even cross my mind, I just say Happy Bday and even that feels wierd lol
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